Write a scene where your character has to speak at length with a complete stranger.

How do people act when they are speaking to those they don't know? Remember you don't have to write the whole dialogue out.

Story 3

I can do this


I’m a likable person

I have a charm

An undeniable one

This will be easy

the kid before me messed up

Big time

They looked like a fool

No expectations for me

Well no high ones

I walk up to the stage

My smile is cocky

An I got this smile

This will be easy

I got it in the bag

I must look arrogant

A girl scowls at me


Like she could do better

During my speech people roll there eyes


I have confidence

I’ve done this before

I am a pro at their

How dare they

I have practiced for this

My friends and family loved it

I must sound stupid to them

Well jokes on them

It’s not like I’ll see them again

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