She wants to know his secret he hasn’t decided what it is yet
My mind is a dark dark place Haunted books hidden in every corner Containing important words
She begs me every night « Tell me you secret, I promise I won’t share » How I’d love to tell her If I could I would open the book The biggest book inside and tell her my secret
She’s told me hers But I fear I have to many
« I love you » « I’m going to have to leave you soon » « My mother hates you » « I could imagine our lives together »
So many secrets So many books
I have to pick I have to pick soon Before red paints her view
Tomorrow I’ll know which book can be opened Tomorrow her view will be yellow
The tinest little worms crawl along the ground Their bodies slimy and slick Their bodies thin and wrinkled Glowing a radioactive green Leaving a trail of goo behind Their bodies huddled togther Turningthemintoaglowingmass They bunchup and r e l e a s e their bodies to slither along the ground They release sharo cries for our every breath A shrill squeak that lakes out ears bleed
And as they slither along They leave a great big mark The world turns grey and everything falls For despite their little size The smallest things often cause the greatest damage
Little John Brown stares at the scene Two men One tall and broad A green uniform wrapped around his body One short and skinny A blue outfit hugging his chest Different as could be One similarity Each holds a gun in his hand pointed at the other Go soldier boy, he yells in his head He prays the one in green will win Will win the soldier game Will come out victorious and defeat his enemy For little John Brown it is all a game Which soldier wins, which one is shot They remind him of his soldier toys The little ones The ones that sit under his christmas tree Ready to fight and once they die they come back They come back to play again To defeat the enemy that conquered them
Old man Earl watches the scene infront of him Two men One big with confidence In reality rather small The other small with fear Though actually rather big Old man Earl stares in fear These two men have too much to lose Not enough to gain by killing the other He watches the one that appears big take a confident step The one that appears small shakes in his boots The scene is tragic Two men fight for a cause they hardly know about And the heat of their subtle disagreement Will end in the loss if a precious life
For the little boy it is but a game But for old man Earl there is a life on the line
One pleads go soldier boy, go And the other Run soldier boys, run
The stars smiled upon us, as if they knew we’d soon join them They smiled as if they knew that soon we would dance with them That soon we would be with them
My hand grips yours Your big strong hands That hands that had brought me back when all else failed The hands that had comforted me in the darkest nights Your loving hands
You smile down on me A reassuring smile that could light up the night The smile that I fell for The smile that I love Your big, beautiful smile
Your eyes shine brightly upon me Kind blue eyes Tired with age but bright The eyes that beckoned me in The eyes that I trust The eyes that shine like stars Your kind, old eyes
You take me in your arms and whisper in my ear You whisper words of kindness Words of love If I could I would fall for you again
When we first met you looked like a prince A fairytale prince Now age has wrinkled your skin Time has taken its toll but you smile the same You lost your locks Your soft brown locks But your eyes are the same Your face is laced with wrinkles and marks But you whisper the same You whisper the same tales and stories Stories of love and beasts Tales of princess and ogres
You whisper stories in your pleasant voice A voice of angels A voice that transports me far away A deep calm voice A voice that I fell for
In the nights of our youth in the exciting nights we’d go outside Under the moonlit skies and you would sing for me You would sing in your deep voice You would sing in your calm voice You would sing in a voice that animated the world Your lovely rich voice
You would dance for me You would dance with me Fast dances, slow dances, lovely dances You would carry me in your big string arms and spin me around You would lift me off the ground and press your lips against mine
Lips that produced the wildest tales Lips that sung the sweetest songs Lips that kissed me for years and years Your soft lips
Now I lay still on my final bed You’re right beside me as you’ve always been Your hand holds mine firmly and tightly Your strong, loving hands Your eyes look upon me Your kind, bright eyes You smile down at me Your big, beautiful smile You whisper words of stories Your magnificent, wonderful stories Your voice floats down to me Your lovely, deep voice
It is your voice that carries me off They are your eyes that see me last Your smile that smiles at me for the final time And your eyes the last thing I see
I float off into the heavens all alone The stars greet me at the door And even though I’m without you Soon you’ll join me too
We met maybe at four years old I was quiet You were loud
I made friends with another girl and you pulled us in The extrovert adopts the introverts You laughed with me and made me smile even at four years old
When we were older we were il different classes At recess we would laugh and talk
Later on changed school We saw each other rarely But when we did it was as if no time had passed You’d run up to me full of energy and shout my name as you gave me a hug
Eventually you joined me at my school We didn’t talk much but when we did no tile seemed to have passed You’ve always been my friend Even if we didn’t talk for months
I miss you so much And love you even more
It’s time to call it quits. I think this is for the best I love you all and wish you well But recently I’ve drowned Sunk to the bottom of the sea with no hope to come up The time I spend fretting over whether you hate me or not This time has left me drained
After thought and consideration My dear best friend I would like to call our friendship off It was hard before but I’m afraid we’re truly done I wish you well and Al scared to see Whether this was the right decision
But in the end is all the pain worth the one minute of joy?
Your soft brown eyes have a colour I can’t quite place They’re not dark brown or light something in between They’re kind and bright and can make me lose my words They shine and sparkle with an innocent joy and hope
I could lose myself in your eyes how ever cringey that sounds but if I get lost I don’t think I’d like to be found
When I do speak to you I’m lost and can’t form a word When you sometimes approach me I can’t see it be heard
You look like a star in the night sky A star so perfect that I wish you’d be mine
Growing up ignored and lost can mean love is hard to find
So when a person extends a branch sometimes we don’t recline
We take the olive branch even though we don’t love them back
We hold on tight and try not to let go
The idea that someone can love you makes you grin from ear to ear
Often times though it’s the idea of love that we fall for
We fall for the idea and not the person extending the branch of love
When life gives me lemons I have trouble making lemonade
I mean when life is difficult who makes lemonade We all look for an escape My escape lies within the knife on the counter
When I’m frustrated and sad The whispers increase The tingling in my arm The shaking of my hand
I want one thing and that is too cut
Quickly I grab the knife The blade is cool in my hands I lock myself behind a door I’m all prepared
I run the blade accros my skin
Once Twice Thrice
I run it over and over in different spots The blood runs down my arm The sensation of peace comes quickly Final whispers wandered away without care
When the emotions are too much and i can’t handle it all I cut
When I can’t think straight and my head is bursting I slice
When my mind is turning and my hands are shaking I scar
The day I carved a flower The blood pooled down my arm It stained the cloth that was held up against And left a pretty scar And the two slashes on the side They mark my arm They will always remind me of what I did even when I want to forget I never will I’ll always see what I did
The scars they stay forever And now that I can’t cut I think I’m lost Lost in a forest with no escape My emotions bottled up with no release