©2019 Gavenia, inspired by Nirav Patel

Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.

Lying In Repose

She was no saint

More of a sinner

But now she is no more

All of what she was remains within her

In life she was conflicted

Born into privilege her life was determined for her

She felt as if a bird in a cage with her beautiful wings clipped

She had a glimpse of the tawdry side of life and a longing began to stir

There must be more fun than polo ponies and the dandy’s who compete

Always posing for each other and the debutants that swoon

Her life was so flat and adventure she craved

So she got in the habit of exploring by the light of the moon

The village after sunset changed quite a bit

With ladies with brash mouths, half dressed and reeking of cheap perfume

She had never seen the dark side of libations until now

But somehow it looked fun she’d acquired a costume

She just had to know the adventure of life

Something that lady’s of her stature never knew

All appearances and stature jewels and fine frocks

She was ready to get messy be vulgar have a whiskey or two

So the very next day she set out to find

Her new life was waiting by nefarious design

It seems a man was lurking watching this all

When the woman now dressed tawdry and swilling moonshine

Of course before long the predators honed in there sites

On a woman so lovely yet tortured by hysteria and laudlum alike

There was to be no more respect

For this fallen debutant had a miserable life

The men they lined up for a grope and a poke

No end to their depravity the acts they forced her to take

All while opium, laudlum and hash he administered to her

The pull of oblivion she felt a meaningful life she definitely could not create

So late one night after the last bloke was serviced

She trailed her fingers down her body feeling battered and bruised

Then gazed at the mirror where her young beauty once had stood

This was her reality now battered beaten and used

She saw no point in her existence so reckless she’d been

Her beauty had left her replaced by haggard deep lines

Scarlette red eyes andher makeup long smeared

She walked in the moonlight to the edge of the forest and into the pines

Slowly she tread over duff rocks and limbs

With only the moonlight to guide her

This would be the night of her ultimate demise

A rope she had stolen from the livery tied high up in a fir

She piled up some rocks she could kick away

When she was able to limb to the noose

The intoxication cleared and she felt the gravity of her upcoming actions

How did she get so dirty battered and bruised

So she climbed up the rocks inspected the rope

Slipped the loop over her head

Jumped off of the rocks into the abyss

And after twitching and struggling she hung limp and dead.

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