"If they would just let me back in the house then we wouldn't have this problem!"

Write a story which includes this line of speech.

DoorDash Embarassment

My phone chimed on my bare chest alerting me to the DoorDash delivery that was waiting on my front porch, "The Applebee's is here!" I shouted to Benson through the cracked door of my room as I reach for my remote on my nightstand to pause the TV. Laying here in my boxers added to my lack of motivation to get up and get the delivery myself. "I didn't even want Applebees." I grumbled to myself, but a lost match of Call of Duty lead me to this sub-par meal I was about to scarf down, there is no sense in savoring any flavor. One more shot on him and I would be more than enthused to go grab the Olive Garden I'd been craving. But alas, here we are with fucking Applebees, "BENSON?" I hollered again.... I'm met with silence. What the hell could he be doing? We just ordered this food 30 min ago? Ughh I probably didn't want to know what he was doing as a matter of fact, Hilary his girlfriend was on her way here last I heard. I shuttered as my mind chased away any thought of what they could be doing. I plucked my phone off my chest and looked at the photo the door dash driver had sent confirming the delivery to make sure it was close to the door. I could see the tied up plastic bag and three drinks sitting right in front of the storm door. "Damn it!!" Who lacks such common sense? You would think they would know that as soon as I open the storm door the drinks will topple over. Oh well, I'm not about to get dressed just to come back here and continue to binge season 5 of Friends.

I make my way downstairs and head to the front door, still unsure of where Benson or Hilary were. I opened the front door using the wall on the right to shield any potential onlookers of seeing me in my Spongebob boxers, my favorite pair thank you very much. I cautiously cracked the storm door and snaked my left arm around the opening to try to reach the hoop that was perfectly bunny eared, I couldn't quite reach it. I stood up with a sigh and stepped a little more toward the entrance and opened the door a little more, the edge of door now touching one of the drinks. As I bent forward slightly to try to reach down again my ears were met with "Cowabunga" at the same time I felt hands pressing on my back and to my surprise I was shoved out the door, drinks flying forward toward the porch steps I rushed to try to pick them up. My dignity be damned, I was not about to lose my Precious HI -C. Fucking Benson! Quickly I grabbed the loot and turned to grab at the screen door to come back in. Bensons eyes sparkling with humor locked with mine as he widened his Chesire cat grin. The click of the storm door lock setting into place. "Alright douche, you got me," I chuckled, "now let me in!" His mouth twisted in a devious smile, and he shook his head slowly, reminding me of some deranged villain. I could hear Hilary snickering from somewhere inside as I realized my precious HI-C was dripping down my chest soaking the waistband boxers. Just Then I see Benson cover his mouth trying to hide a laugh as he points behind me. I slowly turn my head around afraid of what I might find. The tale tell sound of tires on road coming to a halt as I see the blue black and white police car park along the street Infront of our house. As fate would have it, I was certain there was a certain brunette behind the wheel of that Dodge Charger.

I tried to muster up my most confident self, I'd been trying to charm sexy Officer Bindy for weeks now. The tinted windows slowly lowered as my muse came into view. She lowered her sunglasses with two perfect fingers and quirked her eyebrow. "I do believe your last show of public indecency was a warning." Was she trying to hide a smile? "I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you in on this second offence Mr. Carden." Shit.... if I'm getting arrested coach will suspend me. SHIT. I turn and meet Benson's wide eye laced with satisfaction, him not realizing he'll be down his co-defenseman, after all he didn't know coach and I had been on the rocks for a few weeks, after he caught me staring at certain Officers ass. This particular officer that happens to be Coach Bindy's daughter. "If they would just let me back in the house then we wouldn't have this problem!"

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