'Your words wound me deeply, but your silence hurts even more.'
Write a story or poem opening with, or containing, this line.
Silence Kills
_‘Your words wound me deeply, but your silence hurts more. You throw knives and swords at me in place of using words and making memories. _
_You scream and yell as I shake and cry. _
Inside my head, I’m screaming for help and praying to God I die.
_You’re so drunk and drugged out of your mind. _
I wish others could see the disturbed , evil, and sociopathic side you hide. Suddenly, I’m in a horror movie being chased by a serial killer. It’s my own husband; the black, hollow eyes have taken over. It’s truly terrifying; I feel like I’m losing my mind. My body’s shutting down; no one’s helping; no one’s around! Almost no one believes me; I don’t know why. I don’t lie!
You keep me up all night long torturing me. Then for 3 days, ignore me like I’m dead or a ghost. I can’t stand the silence or the violence, but I think the silence kills me more.