You are cycling home when you witness a crime. The perpetrator spots you and the chase begins.

Create a fast-paced scene where your protagonist must escape danger and report the crime.


“Boom boom,” my heart beating in my ears. My legs moving as fast as they can. “Rattle rattle,” the chain slamming as my feet peddle. I look back and see the black hoodie trying to keep up. Bump after bump I ride over the potholes as quick as I could. I can see her blood splatter, like it’s stained in my eyes. Quick right and I slip into the garage as it closes. I stare out of a hole in the door and watch as the man slows and looks around for me. “Cough cough,” I turn around and see the bloody face of the girl, she smiles with her blood stained teeth. She starts running towards me… “ring ring” the sound of my alarm jerks me awake.

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