Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.
The Gift
Jamie ran across the rain covered streets, more than excited about all the candy he is going to eat after tonight. He will go as Spider-Man, his granny made the costume herself, so it’s going to be perfect.
His blond soggy hair was starting to get into his eyes but he carried on running, until he saw a shadowy figure in the distance. It stopped him in its tracks. He couldn’t make out who it was, it was only a small town but this figure was hunched and tall, not like anyone he knew. The figure sensed him staring and turned around with its umbrella clutched in its hand protecting it from the rain.
Jamie gasped “that’s the best costume I’ve ever seen!”. No wonder he couldn’t figure out who it was! He walked towards the costumed mystery person, appreciating the mask that seemed to fit like second skin. The mask was pale and the eyes hollow, the person even put in white contacts to truly bring everything together. The figure smiled at him, before pulling out a blue butterfly from its trench coat.
“Take this and keep it safe” rasped the mystery person to Jamie before handing him the blue butterfly. Jamie shivered as the cold hands passed him the butterfly, but then he was in awe.
The butterfly was alive and not flying away. He took a closer look at the butterfly and its wings seemed to be detailed with lines of gold. Before he could turn around and say thank you, the mystery person was gone.
After the best Halloween ever, walking around with his parents and friends and getting lots of candy, Jamie fell asleep still wearing his Spider-Man costume.
The next day, Lynn, Jamie’s mum, went to wake him up, but all she discovered was a blue butterfly on his night stand, with no trace of Jamie anywhere to be seen.