One Last Time

⚫️Not the prompt ⚫️

When people die

they leave things behind

making you believe that it’s only a matter of time before they come back

That their not really gone

just missing

A pack of cigarettes taped to the underside of a dresser after he promised he would quit

A stack of unopened mail just waiting to be opened by his careful hands

A knife left out from the last time he made a meal for you

The Last Time

I would give anything


for him to come walking in that door

for him to smoke one more cigarette

to open one last letter

to share one more meal

and one last time for me to say goodbye

and to say thank you

i don’t think i realized that he wouldn’t be there forever

that i would miss everything

so please come back

through that door

so i can tell you

I Love You

One Last Time

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