A casual post on social media goes viral, leading to unintended consequences...

How does the character respond to what happens, and how do they feel about it?

Have You Seen This Woman

Danni’s phone vibrated. She checked her texts.

Have you seen this, the message from Jen read. Danni clicked on the link and her world changed.

The Facebook video was of a strange man with big dark eyes desperately looking for his wife Danielle “Danni” Marie Faith. That was close to her own name Danielle Mae Faith. The stranger described his wife holding a blurry photo of woman that could be Danni’s twin. A chill creeped up Danni’s spine.

Danni checked out the guy’s Facebook page. He seemed like a weirdo out in Arkansas. His posts rambling and twisted knots of conspiracies. The guy was sure aliens in league with a shadowy government department had taken his wife away. Shaking her head in disbelief, Danni assumed it was an odd coincidence and forgot about it all.

Late at night in the quiet after her kids and Luis had gone to sleep, Danni scrolled through TikTok looking at random videos. Suddenly those big dark eyes made Danni stop. The strange man holding a picture of Danni on a missing poster ranting on how he would rescue his wife from the aliens. There were funny memes based off this video.

Guys using the audio, a lady looking for her glasses parodying the video, the strange guy’s video was a big joke to everyone except her. Sitting upright in bed, Danni felt her heart pumping faster. All night she thought about her face on that poster.

Few days later, Danni was loading groceries into her trunk in the market parking lot. Holding her daughter’s hand, Danni returned the cart back and there it was. A wanted poster with the words Have You Seen Danni was taped to the cart return pole.

“Mommy look it’s you!” Amber her daughter said pointing to the sign.

Heart pounding, Danni whipped around in the parking lot as if hidden eyes were on her. She snatched up her daughter and ran to her car.

“Honey calm down, calm down. You’re okay. I’m heading back home now.”

Shaking, holding herself tight, Danni was waiting for her husband. A notification came up on he phone from the front door camera. She clicked on the app. Big dark eyes looked directly into her camera. The strange man stood on her front porch smiling.

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