They Are Toxic

The news of her pregnancy spread rapidly. She was, after all, the daughter-in-law of two very known and loved people. Everyone loved the baby and couldn't wait until it was born.

The day finally came, and it was born. It was a girl, a beautiful one in everyone's eyes. Her father would film her twenty-four hours a day since he was working from home. He would take her and his wife to his parents’ house every day and would drop them off at his parents’-in-law’s every weekend.

She was smart and said her first word when she was just three months old. She became talkative and drew well. She had a good voice and sang well. She was creative, physically flexible, and had beautiful hair. She already knew two languages because her parents were from two different countries. However, they hadn't taught her the language that the country they lived in used.

When she was two, her mum gave birth to a son. People were worried she might get jealous as it was only natural, but she didn't. She loved her baby brother although he would always cry and appeared to be scared from everyone except for their mother.

Their father would playfully say that she was his, and her brother, his wife’s.

When she was three, she went to school and learned the language by herself by listening to the people there.

When she was four, she stabbed herself in the eye with a sharp pencil by accident and was told by her teacher to wash it by herself.

Later on, she grew closer to her brother who had finally stopped crying from the sight of the two.

The family was put under the eyes of many. They all resented how close they were.

Their father started to go to work in his parents’ house and often stayed there till dinner. That put his wife under pressure, having to do all their work alone. However, she did not complain.

She started to get bullied in school, but nobody else knew.

Her teachers called her mum once, and asked if anything was going on at home as she would ‘scream every time she got out of her class after the bell rang’. Joyfully, Not because of the bullying.

Everyone noticed that she had changed. Nobody knew why. Maybe not even herself.

Still creative and talented, but different in some way.

She got severe constipation which resulted in Rectal prolapse when she was five.

Her parents started to get angry at her so often and would hit her sometimes.

That didn't quaver her love for her family though.

When she was six, one of her classmates tripped while playing tag and fell on her. All the other kids ran to her classmate because she was crying. They went to the office and gave her ice.

No one came to the six-year-old. Even though her hand was bleeding. Maybe because she hadn't shown that she was hurt. When she went to the office, she found out that all the skin from the palm of her right hand was gone.

At home, her dad put on some Dettol and rapped it with a cloth. The pain was unbearable so she spent the rest of the evening just walking around the room that they weren't in and silently crying.

When she was seven, it was time for her brother to come to school, and everyone welcomed him with an ice cream party because he was too scared. However, he was still scared to stay on his own so their mum had to stay with him for the first few weeks. Then, because she was an older sister, she had to go and sit in his class instead.

Her classmates started bullying her more and her friends decided to not play with her because he had to come along.

Their father became moody and was always angry at her by the time she became a teenager. Even if she didn't do anything wrong.

She started to hate herself.

She was depressed and had thought of suicide.

She felt imprisoned.

She wasn't allowed to do almost everything.

She discovered she might have ADHD and told her mum. But her mother wouldn't hear her out.

She was forced to do things that aren't right.

She gave up her dream as it was impossible with parents like her’s.

She still loves her family though...

Even if they are toxic.

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