The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once so magical now hurt to behold.
Write a rhyming poem that ends with this line.
Exploration To Devastation
Space is something we’ve always pondered,
Men women and children alike have always wondered,
What’s life like up there in the void,
Is there life or has it been destroyed.
We as humanity have always pushed the limit,
How do we get up there, a rocket lets build it,
Admittedly we’ve never always been together,
With each country wanting to do better.
Each country wanted to get to space,
Countries like Russia and America locked in a race,
Wanting to beat each other more and more,
To go further than any man has gone before.
We’ve had success and more would follow,
Astronauts like Buzz and then the Apollo,
We have made mistakes some big and some small,
Some astronauts came back and some not at all.
We’ve collected data from the Moon and from Mars,
And other planets beyond the stars,
Yet we still know more about space than our own seas,
We know more about what’s up too than what lies beneath.
Space is something the inspires us all,
But we forget we’re just so small,
We try to traverse the endless void,
Just to watch our work get destroyed.
Humanity may be the alpha upon the earth,
But in space that title has little worth,
When in the endless and lifeless space,
You’ll soon be reminded of your place.
Space travel was an idea we were all for,
Believing we were boldly going where no man has been before,
But now the sky full of stars seemed so dead and cold,
A place so magical now hurt to behold.