Submitted by an anonymous user

The world will burn.

Opening with this line, write a poem or story that also ends with this line having a completely different meaning.

Absurdity Of No. 3

The world will burn

The world will smoke and die

And you, “citizen of the universe”

Don’t have time for things like,

Sunglasses and tear gas

You’re building something new

The stars will burn

The stars will always burn

Every night your “vagabondage”

Gathers with holy water and fireworks

Like you mean something because your alive

We’re gonna burn

It always ends like this

We tore each other apart so our corpses could kiss

We’re gonna flame

It ends like this anyway

But I

still want to know your name

So I can hold your hand

while we die

The world will burn

The fireworks your vagabondage stole

Will light the sky far brighter than the flame

And sunglasses will melt like butter

And everybody has to see the ending

Because that’s the most exciting part

Where nothing matters anymore except

The world is burning

(They told me I should cry

and I responded “why?”)

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