With the night comes darkness, but also stars.

Write a poem inspired by, or containing this line.

So Many Stars

With the Night comes darkness, but also stars.

Stars that shine brightly way out in the space

But I know stars here on earth

Not those on the walk of fame

Or the famous people who everyone knows there names

These are people who maybe unnamed to you

Yet they made a huge impact on me

The light that shined off of them and touched me

Light so pure it nearly burned me

Yet I sit here begging for more

These friends so vast in space

Always have a place in my heart

Your all stars to me, here and now and forever.

(Writers note) Yessss it is super cheesey lol I’m so sorry for that. But I honestly seen it and I thought of so many of the great people young and old who I have come to know in this community and who have very much helped keep me going when I felt like giving up. You guys know who you are. You have my gratitude forever and may we all enjoy this new year. Hopefully finishing the stories we are working on. I love y’all, happy new year.

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