You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.

You Can Kill Me If You Want

“You can kill me if you want but at least hear me out on why you shouldn’t” I say nervously “look it’s up to you. I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t have kids, I don’t have a family not yet but I have this girl I’m head over heals for but that’s not what you want to hear. You have anger and numbness. You were made this way by your father. I understand I would kill too. You were taught to kill but killing me isn’t going to mean anything what so ever. Your last victims all have a part in who you are and what happened to you. I’m not. I just so happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time. I’m not going to threaten you but my girlfriend she’s a detective. You kill me you won’t get a chance to get away. You won’t get a chance to finish your quest. Killing me is the wrong move in your plan. I wasn’t planned I’m not planned. My girlfriend will have you for breakfast lunch and dinner but if you let me leave now I won’t say anything until I get home which is in two hours. So you’ll have two hours to move away from this area and plan your next step accordingly.” He circles around me with his blood stains clothes and knife. He makes sure I can see it the whole time. I never once take my eyes off of him “killing me kills you. Do you really want to die with unfinished business?” He screams and stalks towards me and I stumble backwards. He grabs a hand full of my hair and pulls my head backwards as he guides the knife along my cheek. He cuts it and growls “leave now before I change my mind. Before my urge of penetrating your body with this blade over and over wins.” He let’s me go and I run. Once I’m out the door I run out and down the street into my girlfriends arms. The whole team of about 50 officers go crashing into the house “I told you he’d be here.” I say as I hold her tightly “I knew you would find me.” She holds me tighter “I told you not to do it. I told you to leave it be we had it handled. I love you so much don’t ever pull this stunt again!” She kisses my the side of my head “Yu may not have found him if I wasn’t in danger. But I promise never again.” I kiss her neck “let’s go get your face cleaned up and go home.!”

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