From Texas To The Tombs

“I don’t know guys, maybe we shouldn’t do this. You heard how terrified the locals were.” Seth whispered.

“Why are you whispering?” RJ laughed but it sounded forced.

We were standing in front of one of The Great Pyramids, one of the Ancient Wonders of the World. Our objective, obviously treasure and fame.

“Come on we’re wasting time.” I grabbed my flashlight out of my shoulder bag and marched towards the entrance of the tomb.

RJ was right behind me with the others hot on his heels, not wanting to be left alone. Going first was a great move on my part I got all the spider webs to the face, RJ did as well being over a foot taller than me. The walls were covered with hieroglyphics and paintings of pharaohs and gods.

“It’s colder than a witch’s tit down here.” Billie shivered.

She was right, the temperature must have dropped forty degrees. The smell wasn’t great either. Non the less we treked on. After several minutes of walking we come to a split.

“Should we split up?” RJ suggests.

“Are you insane? Do you want us all to die, haven’t you watched a single movie ever?” Seth quaked.

“Okay.” RJ said “So which way then genius?”

“Let’s just go left.” I took the lead again.

We walked for what seemed like hours but could’ve only been minutes. When we rounded a bit of a bend it all became worth it, we stepped into a large opening of a room. Everywhere we turned our flashlights something glittered back at us.

“Gold!” Billie shouted.

A low rumble followed her outburst.

We all turned to her. “Sorry.” She whispered now.

“Do you hear that?” Seth asked softly.

We all strained to hear what he was hearing. A low moaning was coming from further in the tomb.

“What the hell is that?” RJ questioned.

“I don’t know but I think it’s time to leave.” I turned but was stopped in my tracks by the piercing scream that filled the air around us.

“We can’t leave empty handed!” Billie dove for the closest pile of gold and started filling her bag and pockets.

“Leave it Bill, we have to get out of here!” RJ grabbed her arm and towed her with us.

We stared as fast as we dared back the way we came, when we reached the split off something was different.

“Weren’t there only two tunnels before?” Seth breathed heavy.

I looked from the now dozen tunnels to RJ who looked as worried as I felt as another scream filled the tunnel, bouncing off the walls.

Billie covered her ears as tears streamed down her face. “What are we going to do?” She cried.

“Just pick one!” RJ looked back and his eyes widened. “Now!” He screamed pushing all of us in front of him.

We sprinted down the closest tunnel not looking back. This tunnel turned into a T, making us choose yet another way we knew wasn’t going to lead us out of this hell.

“Ouch!” Billie yelled as she fell to her knees.

We all stopped and went to her.

“What”s wrong?” RJ asked through ragged breathes.

“My ankle, I don’t think I can stand.” She sobbed.

“Try.” RJ put his arm around her and pulled her up.

She cried and fell against him. “I can’t.”

RJ hoisted her into his arms and urged the rest of us forward.

Seth was in front as we turned another corner, a thud followed him. “Wall.” He moaned as he collapsed.

“Damn it!” RJ was last to see the dead end.

I knelt beside Seth trying to comfort him.

“We’re gonna die.” Billie voiced what we were all thinking. “I love you guys.”

RJ set her down next to Seth and started pounding on the wall in front of us, slamming his fist into the stone.

“RJ!” I pulled on his shirt. When he didn’t respond I grabbed one of his arms. “RJ stop!” I yelled at him.

He finally obeyed and turned to me his fists red with blood, his eyes a matching color. “I can’t save us…I can’t save you.”

I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his face in my neck. “It’s not your fault.” I started crying now.

RJ stood tall pushing us all behind him as the steps grew louder.

“A mummy, a real life mummy!” Seth gasped as the creature rounded the corner and let out a last blood curdling scream…

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