Writing Prompt
An ancient tomb is disturbed with disastrous consequences.
Practice building tension and suspense from the very beginning with this story - will you focus on the event, or the consequences?
???-2073. There are a few words above that, but they’re in one of the old languages, so I can’t read it. We’re all confused by the question marks. The words appear to mark a tomb, so why is the birthdate unknown? “Wow, 2073?” Dave says, walking up behind me. “That’s nearly 3 centuries old. Can’t believe the writing’s so well preserved.” “Yeah. Hey, didn’t you learn a bit of the old languages? Can you read this one?” “No, that’s not me, that’s Dan. I’ll go get him, he’s still in the tent.” “I’ll come with,” I say, but before we get a chance to start walking over, we hear a scream from inside, and then someone laughs. There is something slightly ominous about the sound. Anna runs out of the tomb. We’re the first people she sees, so she runs up to us. Dan leaves the tent to join us, wanting to know what happened inside. “We took off the lid,” she said after a moment to catch her breath. “There was a young man inside. He sat up.” “Funny,” Dave says. “This is obviously a joke. We heard the laughing too, not just the scream.” “The laughter was him. I swear, I’m not kidding.” “She’s really not,” says a young man, walking out of the tomb entrance, the rest of our team following close a couple feet behind him. “I’m-“ “Chaos,” Dan says after staring at the words for a moment, “Of Chaos and Order.” The man smiles. “Yes, that’s me, though I usually just say Alex.” Dan looks up in surprise. I don’t think he noticed him coming out. “Well, thanks, but I best be off. I can’t wait to see the look on my brother’s face…”
[S.C, Bloodlines. CH 11]
[Amelya’s point of view]
Life has a beginning and an end, yet she had surpassed the first end. So had the vampire Sampson had just slayed.
Death hadn’t been part of her young life, Amelya could hardly breathe. Let alone take in the sight of a headless, lifeless body. Head discarded off his shoulders without much of an effort.
“I’m sorry, you to had to see that. But we don’t have time to play around “ Sampson continued his wobble straight past the girls.
Cleo shook her head a few times, getting a grip on herself before looking up at Amelya.
“Let’s go” Cleo huffed, grabbing Amelya’s hand. “I won’t let anyone harm you”
I’m seconds they were all speeding through the tree’s, as if a life hadn’t just been taken. Like they weren’t running for dear life, like they had somewhere to run too.
[Jayden’s point of view]
Watching as the girls fled and Sampson wobbled off after them he settled a bit. If anything they were at least safe. Leaning on the balcony he watched everyone else poor into the sanctuary.
In moments everyone was packed into the main theater, all the seats filled. All of the council heads or elders sat at the back of the stage, in their massive podiums.
Monticello caught his glance looking and speaking to three of the other members in a circle before his podium. As he watched he looked up, a smile crossing his lips once their eyes met.
“Be cafe my dear Jayden. Stay clear out of sight” The whisper of Monticello seemed to follow a breeze across the stage to him that originated out of nothing.
He just nodded and went back to his conversation.
“Welcome one and all!” Mistress Verona stepped out from her podium, a strange black haired man in arms length behind her. “Tonight I have a special announcement, Onyx. Father to all of the vampire world.”
Cheers rang out in the crowd. Many people stood up while clapping. Jayden could feel the unease of Monticello.
“Tonight I have been reborn. Brought back regardless of all the houses. Regardless of my children. Willow and Mistress Verona came for me. They will reside over the vampire world at my side.” Onyx turned, a smile on his face. “Emerald council, you are all disbanded. I am taking over the ruling of all houses. You may all step down and join the crowd. Or perish.”
The crowd chanted Onyx’s name out. Clapping and carrying on.
“You have been sleep for hundreds of years. After sending us into a huge war where many of us still remember. Only a few hundred survivors made it out” An older looking woman spoke two seats away from Monticello. “You may have them all fooled, but I was there helping to bring our species back from near extinction.”
“So you will not stand down?” Onyx’s smile grew wider.
“Ice carcerem” A female voice called from right of the stage as ice erupted around the woman. Freezing her in place.
“Thank you Willow” Onyx bowed to a woman of carmel skinned complexion as she strutted onto the stage. “As you can see. We will not allow this to go on. We are the higher species. No more will we stay to the shadows and act as if we are wrong for hunting.”
Onyx walked the stage as the crowd continued to chant “Freedom”. All the smiles and waves, he was killing it with the crowd.
Monticello was one of the first to leave the stage, quickly running toward where Jayden sat on the second floor. Running up the stairs he caught sight of his fearful lover.
“That’s all then. He’s taken over” Jayden spoke first, turning as he approached.
“We need to go. He’s going to be sending people after us to make sure we comply” Monticello shook his head. “I would never have guessed that in my lifetime he’d be back.”
“Amelya knew something was up with her….. now we know she was right” Jayden followed Monticello down the hallway into a secret room on a wall halfway down the stairwell.
[Amelya’s point of view]
Sampson had them fazing for hours. She knew not where they were or even where they were headed. Yet her and Cleo hadn’t let go of each other’s hands.
Hours had passed, night had fallen. A small side of the road dinner came into view and Sampson slowed. Coming to a stop just short of the parking lot.
“She’ll need to eat….. hopefully humans aren’t to many in here” Sampson started crossing the parking lot, the girls at his heals.
“You got this babe” Cleo whispered with a smile before they shared another kiss. Following hand in hand.
“Welcome to the Route 52”. A girl their age smiled. Her eyes a pale blue hue, hair dark like chocolate tied in a bun, with freckles and a run of the mill black apron.
“Would you like a booth?”
“Yes, something in the back of possible “ Sampson answered and the followed after. “Not really a people person”
Both girls covered their mouths and started cracking up.
Only a handful of humans sat eating and loudly speaking to each other. Of course they all watched them pass, none of them knowing their secret.
“Y’all cute together “ A southern woman spoke out. Her hair was long, tucked under a straw hat. She was smiling as they passed by.
“Thanks” Cleo spoke first, waving a bit.
“Come girls” Sampson called out, sliding into the last booth in the row.
Amelya and Cleo rushed over to the other side as the waitress came with menus. She smiled as they ordered drinks.
“We’ll we just stumbled into a worse situation…” Sampson shook his head, looking over at the southern woman from before. Who sat with two other men, all seemed to be looking in this direction.
“There all bloodsuckers “ The first man across the table growled in his head.
“Of course they are” The other agreed.
“Eat your food. They seem to be passing through “ The females voice was so hushed but each of them caught it.
“This is bullshit!” The first man smacked his hand on the table. “If Fernando was here. They would already be dead or close to it”
“Fernando isn’t here. Also he’s not in charge here” She growled a bit.
The other two hushed and lowered their heads. When the southern woman stood up, walking straight toward them.
She plopped down in the seat next to Sampson.
“Your the other species?” Amelya questioned before the woman could open her mouth. The question wasn’t harsh or even the least bit sarcastic. More like a kid who could see something nobody else could.
“So my companions are correct. You are blood…” Sampson raised a finger before she could finish the word.
“We are vampires. That word is disrespectful and it would be like us calling you all flee bags.” She shuffled in her seat at the obvious point he was making. “So I’d be very happy if you didn’t use that kind of foul language “
“You must be the leader?” She questioned, looking at both of the girls.
“We are run aways “ Amelya yawned, taking Cleo’s arm in hers. “A very bad man will soon be chasing us “
“We heard whispers of the original vampire being brought back” She leaned back into the seat, her relaxed nature a sign that no harm might come to them.
“The rumors are true. The shadow world will soon be in chaos “ Sampson shook his head.
“We are cast aways. Rogue’s in our community “ The southern female looked back to the two men at the table. “ I’m Nela, those to over there are Rick and Chuck.”
A sudden gust of stale, ancient air slammed in the face with the force of gale force winds as I finally broke through the hard packed concrete wall that was the entrance of the tomb. I had been searching and digging for this tomb for nearly a decade now. This was the pinnacle of my career! What I would find on the other side of this wall would define my life’s work.
I stepped back not wanting to go any further without seeing what I was opening and to let the stale air release from the cavern behind. I called for a flashlight. I heard several voices Calling in Egyptian for the flashlight. After what seemed like years the flashlight was handed to me.
I am drenched in sweat more from the heat of the midday desert sun than the exertion of swinging the pick. I clicked the flashlight on and poked the top through the hole I had just made. The site didn’t seem so stale now. I looked through the hole and my heart almost stopped! This was my defining moment realized! I almost collapsed in joy and relief.
My partner came up and looked at me sitting in a heap crying and laughing. I handed him the flashlight so he could see the wonders that had beheld me just moments before! He stumbled back hand to his head and mouth agape. Then he let out a cry of joy!
“Nathaniel, we did it we found the pharaohs tomb and it is fully in tact! We are going to be rich!” I was smiling up until that point. I looked at my partner as if he had just grown Aiken to me. I wasn’t doing this for fame or money I was doing it to find the hidden wonders of the ancient world and forward our understanding of ancient cultures. This person talking about fame and money just now was not the person I had gone into partnership with!
I stood and told him so as I made preparations to carefully finish opening the tomb. “Nathaniel just break the damn thing! Let’s see what treasures we can sell!” I shook his hand off my shoulder and motioned for him to leave me alone. He tutted under his breath and walked away. It was going to take a full two to three hours to open the tomb carefully and properly to preserve what lay behind, plus I had to alert the Egyptian hall of antiquities so they could oversee the whole thing.
I placed a guard on the opening and told them that in no uncertain terms was anyone to open or enter the tomb before I got back with the antiquities authority. The guard nodded understanding and I walked to my tent and made the call they said they would be there within the hour.
I returned to the tomb to hear raised voices. Anthony was yelling at the guard to move out of his way and he was the bigger partner and made all the decisions and he paid his wages. The guard was not allowing him to pass just as I had asked. I walked up and Anthony scowled in my direction.
I told him to go wait in the tent. He refused and he came at me brandishing the pick I had used earlier to make the ominous hole staring back at me now. I side stepped out of his way just as he slammed the pick forward and into the sand at my feet. I looked at two of the workers and made the sign for them to arrest him and place him under guard in the tent until the authorities got there.
‘Why did you open it…?’
‘Why not…’
He had open the box of delights. The box that had the answers to my eternal bliss. This treasure had been hidden from the public eye because all it caused was war after war.
Whatever the user desires, it became a reality. Imagine wielding such tremendous power.
‘Let everyone be sent to the PAST!’ He bellowed.
My eyes widened in terror, all of our bodies were enveloped by a bright light. There was a 10 minutes countdown on our bodies
He began laughing and a satisfied smirk polished his lips.
‘I’ll show you OuR past by cursing your future!!! You are not ready for the truth!!!’ He cackled.
I sat in daze, desperately thinking what to do. But suddenly a violent thought struck me
*** (30 seconds)
She punched right in the jaw and she grabbed the box of delight, that had tumbled out of his hands.
But she was too late,
Once the box of delights is activated, it cannot be stopped
I barely made it out alive. Well, barely is an overstatement. I escaped about 4 seconds before I would have died. But how I almost died, that’s the real story behind this.
I was on my way to the Hirinata tomb. They say it holds many treasures, and priceless artifacts from around 100,000 years ago. After a month in the mountains, I finally found the cave that held it. It was surprisingly kinda close to the bottom. But not that close. It had a scroll with words on it near the entrance, but it was too dark to read it. Cautiously, I climbed inside. It was practically pitch black. I fumbled around in my bag for a flashlight. I flicked the switch, and it flickered on, lighting up the cave. Turns out I wasn’t in a cave though, just a tunnel. I shone my flashlight down the tunnel, trying to see if there was any light. But like, besides my flashlight. No matter how hard I squinted, it was still dark, so I decided to just go through the tunnel. I shined my flashlight across the walls. There was probably some booby traps or something. Just in case.
I felt like I was walking for like, 5 hours. But finally, I saw some light. I was so glad to have reached the end.
Yeah, turns out it wasn’t the end.
When I got to the end of the tunnel, there was just a small room. I saw a small platform with a gigantic gold diamond floating a few inches from it. There was a ton of treasures surrounding it on the floor. I think my jaw dropped a bit too. I think I found the tomb.
I bent over to examine a gold necklace, but then I hesitated. The scenario was suspiciously like Aladdin. Then, I turned my attention to the diamond. Well, you could take the lamp, but nothing else, so...... I carefully grabbed it and was about to leave when I saw a small table in the back or the room. And there was a giant thing wrapped on it. It kind of freaked me out, to be honest. I was about to leave then but I tripped. I sprawled our across the floor. A ring was right on top of my stomach, which FYI, hurt a lot. My hand accidentally touched a necklace, and then the room started rumbling. Some small rocks almost hit me on the head, but I dodged it just in time. Then, I heard I giant roar from the back. I turned and looked and the wrapped thing was starting to rise. I went through the entrance and ran through the tunnel, clutching the diamond and praying I made it. Well, obviously I did, otherwise I wouldn’t be telling you this. I ran out of the tunnel right before it collapsed, giant rocks covering the entrance. I sat on a rock, panting. Then, the rocks starting rumbling again. The rocks suddenly burst apart, revealing the monster. I didn’t get a good look at it, but before I ran, and before it ran after me, I saw on his face, a giant, single eye.
Mina skidded down what she could only describe as the tomb's tongue. Grit grated the heels of her feet and itched the skin behind her ears, and with the elegance of a flailing swan, she joined Emmett at the base of the skull's throat.
After her frightening venture from the hot air balloon and eventually locating Emmett sprawled out but uninjured in the sand, they both staggered into the awaiting, gaping mouth of the tomb.
What met Mina first was the noise.
Louder than a herd of stampeding Elephants. Greater than the roar from the fires used to fuel the war Zeppelin’s. The thundering rumble ravaged against her head, and Mina cupped her hands tight over her ears.
“What the devil is that?” Mina shouted, but Emmett seemed not to hear, entranced by something beyond.
Light from the tomb’s entrance only travelled so far in, and as he stumbled forward, he soon became swallowed by the darkness.
And Mina was alone.
Removing her goggles, Mina swung her bag around. All the way from the bottom—under her journal, the small metal cage and her telescope—she retrieved her matchbox and lantern. Striking a flame, Mina lit the small wick in the centre of the metal box. Yellow light burst like a new star, and Mina removed the protective cap attached to the lantern’s long lens. A sudden, powerful beam broke down the barrier of shadow, and the remainder of The Barren’s Tomb finally came into full view. A weight lifted from her shoulders. She had found the source of the thundering sound.
A myriad of thrumming arid waterfalls gushed from either side of the tomb. The sand cascaded in smooth streams of gold, crumbling and tumbling down to a dry, lifeless sea below. Copper monoliths extended from the sea, erect and sturdy like the tombs very own soldiers—guards to whatever lay beyond.
Mina guided the light further up.
Enormous white beams curved in a sweeping arch overhead, stretching up from the sides to meet in the centre, where they were joined by a broad seam, vertebrae, that stretched further than Mina's beam of light could reach.
It looked like a rib cage belonging to an old giant.
Or a forgotten Saint.
Beside her, Emmett whipped his goggles from his head. His eyes wandered upwards, and his arms soon fell limp at his sides. His mouth gaped open, flapping like a beached fish. A deep gash married the line of his jaw, and a plump, red lump bloomed just above his eyebrow. He looked terrible, and Mina suspected she didn't look much better. She definitely needed her previously desired bath and possibly a chiropractor for the dull ache pounding in her shoulder.
Mina understood his wonderment, felt a calming buzz simmer in her chest. The sight was truly spectacular, a haunting, maddening marvel hidden beneath the dry skin of the earth above. She wondered how many before them had witnessed its magnificence, discovered its secrets. If only the ink hadn't destroyed her journal, she could have spent hours sketching its beauty.
Emmett lowered himself and rested his chin on Mina's shoulder. He smelt of sweat and accelerant oil from the balloon. "By the Saints," he spoke into her ear, his breath hot. "Forget what I said earlier. I adore sand." His eyes fell, and his finger tapped the metal box in her hand. “What’s that?”
“A torch.“ Mina twisted the front lens clockwise, and the light dimmed. She turned it again, and it grew.
“I like.” He gestured onwards. "Shall we? Torches first."
They followed the spine of the tomb down to another wider chamber where the sound of the sand falls slowly ebbed away. The absence of noise pounded Mina’s ears, and a high tin chimed through the frozen air. Serene walls of ochre stone replaced the irate sand, and the ground hardened, their footsteps echoing. Mina shone her torch around and landed on a sharp mound of rocks. The surface glimmered, an iridescent, a sparkle of colour. All this way underground, and she still managed to find a rainbow.
"Ah, Mina...” Emmett's voice carried like a lost wind, brittle misplaced. “Shine... Shine your torch over here. Please."
Mina swung the beam around, then instantly wished she hadn't.
Long picked skeletons of the dead littered the floor, laid in the centre of a shallow crater, a hard crust of elliptic stone at its rim. Sand slithered through their yellowing bone and buried the slim scraps of fallen clothes. It was horrific. Barbaric. But now, Mina couldn't look away. Who were they? Mina wondered. What was it about the macabre that was so engrossing?
Emmett knelt beside the broken shards of a caved-in skull. His left hand hovered over it, but his fingers curled into a fist before he had time to touch it. “Why didn't they leave?”
“Death,” Mina answered bluntly, then quickly disapproved of her flippant tone. “Sorry,” she mumbled. “But it is peculiar that they are all centred around here.”
“Huh." Emmett brushed the dirt from his trousers. "Great observations skills, Miss—” He froze. “Traps. Maybe it's quick sand.”
Traps sounded likely, but Mina couldn't recall the Scoundrel mentioning any, and she hadn't written anything in her journal. Not noting the existence of any entrapments seemed like a cruel oversight on the Scoundrel's part. "We're not sinking."
"Hidden darts. Arrows in the walls."
"There are no arrow shafts on the ground." Mina stepped forward. "Emmett—"
"No, don't move! This isn't the balloon. We don't have parachutes this time. I...I never thought...I didn't mean..." His voice broke. Oh. He was crying.
“Emmett,” Mina said carefully.
He sniffed and wiped his cheek. "I'm sorry."
"Why? This isn't your fault." It was, but she didn't think reminding him of that now would do him, or her, any favours. "As you said, you don't spend precious time dwelling on the past."
Steering the light around, Mina scanned the low to the surrounding walls. Her heart lept. A skeletal arm protruded from the bed of its grave, and a gaunt, rigid finger pointed up. High above, nestled in a cragged crook of rock, Mina could just make out the faded glint of gilded gold.
"Up there." She grabbed Emmett's chin. The movement seemed to snap him from his stupor, and a bright smile broke out on his face.
"They must have climbed the wall and fallen," he said far too gleefully. "That mean's no traps—just poor climbing techniques. Send your bird—”
“Send L'oiseau up there.”
The cage in Mina’s bag shuddered as she brought it out—an excited flitter of mechanical wings. Blue ink blotted the tip of L'oiseau metal tail, and Mina wiped it away with the cuff of her sleeve. The tiny bird opened her small brass beak, and the cogs at her throat spun, emitting a delicate, sweet peep.
“She disapproves of this,” Mina said. L'oiseau tweeted again, then hopped to the end of Mina’s finger. And with a creak of her extended her wings, she took off into the air.
“Me too, Mina, me too, but...” Emmett jiggled his left wrist, and the gold band beneath his sleeve glinted unnaturally. She had almost forgotten about that—a cruel trick from the Scoundrel.
Flakes of dust sprinkled from where L'oiseau pecked away at the rock. The soft tap, tap echoed like a heartbeat.
“How are you feeling?” Mina asked Emmett.
Emmett kept his focus on L'oiseau and shrugged. “Eh, alright. The band hasn't started shrinking. I may yet still have a hand by the end of this.”
“A life without a hand is far better than no life at all.” L'oiseau chirped, and a glare of gold twinkled in her beak.
Emmett chuckled and brushed his cheek. “Alright, Philosopher Keys. Unlocked that little nugget, didn't you?”
“All I am saying—”
“Don’t play games, Emmett.”
He cupped his hand over Mina’s mouth and placed a finger to his own. His head twitched, tilting as he listened. A subtle sound, a soft rush of noise, made her go still. She listened.
It came again, and Emmett met her eyes in the shadows. It sounded like water.
A lot of water.
“We used to tie frogs and GI Joes to bottle rockets and shoot ‘Em behind my neighbors’ house; then there’s the crisp air first thing in the morning when I used to go hunting with my granddad upstate; and…” Fat Jonesy paused, resting his chin on his shovel handle. He pretended to think scratching a dirt creased finger against his temple. MacGill continued to dig. His spade made a dull sound in the sandy soil. Fat Jonesy surveyed the crescent moon, watched how his partner’s muscles shone in the dim light of their flashlight, smelt the brine from the ocean. “Yeah, my favorite memories are rockets, fresh air, and every time I’m with you,” Fat Jonesy said. “You’re a romantic, that’s what you are. Now cut the gabbing and grab the feet will ya.” Together they hefted Jimmy Night Night into his grave and filled the hole. A pale sun was just peeking over the horizon as they climbed in their nondescript sedan to head home. Fat Jonesy turned the ignition as MacGill texted their boss and waited for payment confirmation. “How does breakfast at the diner sound? Or just coffee?” Fat Jonesy asked as they pulled away from their burial ground. MacGill leaned over, kissed him softly, and then settled back into the upholstery to sleep. “Netflix and chill it is.” Fat Jonesy said as he navigated through the back roads across a sleeping city back home.
As the coffin is slashed open And it becomes broken
The being from inside Is exposed to the outside
The breakers look in awe As their actions broke the law
And sand begins to rush out It will cause havoc without a doubt
Monsters and disasters strike Then the Bible, to the times, becomes alike
Alike to relevancy But full of unpredictability
Soft footsteps in the sand.
Soft whispers close at hand.
Dead ends disappear.
Dead shadows drawing near.
Slow progress, hidden way.
Slow ruin and decay.
Dark figures rest in sleep.
Dark secrets buried deep.
Sleeping death far underground.
Sleeping death has been aroused.
Death to all within this tomb.
Deadly fate awaits their doom.
Stealthy stroke, now two more sleep
Stealing secrets they will keep.
Dead: do not disturb us please. Dead secrets want to Rest In Peace.
The rock rumbles into place slowly behind us, and I have to force myself not to look back. “Hand me your stick” My partner Al says in a hushed tone. I sigh and hand him the wooden stick. “There’s no reason to whisper, it’s just us.” It’s almost like the world wants to curse us because in that moment we hear a mysterious clatter from a room far in the tomb. “What was that?” Al says in not as brave of a tone. “Probably just a rat. We need to keep going.” I say as I start down the first hallway. Al sighs and I hear him start to walk. Finally after a minute of fiddling around, Al gets my torch to light as well as his. It’s even worse with the light. The hallways are illuminated and I see paintings of death on the side of them. I feel a shiver roll up my spine. “Wait” I hold up a hand to stop Al. “What. We need to go, just like you said.” He says, obviously annoyed. “Look closely at the floor up ahead” Both of our heads turn as soon as we see it. “Trick tiles. Very clever.” We roll a big stone onto the tile and a dart that was unnoticeable before zips by, a mere 3 feet in front of our faces. “That was close” Al whispers in a rushed tone. “Come on. Let’s keep going.” We keep following our weird pattern of throwing rocks, inspecting floors, and creeping along the edges of the hallway.
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