Write a story where an object that is inconspicuously mentioned early on is a key element of the plot towards the end of your story.
Using an object is an easy way to foreshadow an idea, but you could also try using something else like dialogue, or another character, to foreshadow your plot.
Frozen Sun
“Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.”
The noise of the alarm rings through my ears. It’s loud enough to shake my whole body awake. I pick up my phone and hit the “stop” button. Getting up in the morning is the hardest part of my day, and my lack of sleep and exhaustion only make it worse.
I pull myself out of the bed, and set my feet firmly on the ground. I rub my eyes and look around. Something feels off.
I look back at down at my bed, and then up at the window, but nothing is strange or out of place. I decide to shrug it off.
I check my phone. The time is 7:15. I still have plenty of time to get ready. I walk into my bathroom, and start my daily routine. I brush my teeth and hair and put in my favourite pair of earrings. I have had them for years, but they’re still in tact after all this time. They completed my appearance. I dont know what I would do if I lost them.
I stand up straight, look back into the mirror and sigh. I can already tell that today will be a long day. As I continue to stare into the mirror, the feeling comes back again. Something is wrong. I glance around the bathroom, but nothing stands out. I’m starting to freak out. This isn’t a normal feeling, and it’s certainly not a good one. I leave the bathroom and walk back toward my room. The feeling follows me. I don’t know what to do. I pick up my phone and open it up. My eyes widen.
7:15. The time hasn’t changed on my phone. It must be broken. I shut it off and turn it on again. It remains 7:15. I look out the window. Nothing stands out. Is something wrong with my phone? I decide to call my mom, because I know something is up. I dial her number and wait.
No answer.
I call her again.
No answer.
I start to panic. Are my calls not going through? Is my phone broken, or is it something much worse? I feel like I’m losing my mind. Surely something works? I run into my living room to turn on my Tv. I look around for the remote that I l always lose. something catches my eye.
I look at the window, and toward the sun. It hasn’t moved since I woke up this morning. It’s in the same spot. Ever since I hit the stop button, nothing has changed except for the things I interacted with. It’s almost like everything is stuck. Then, it hits me.
Time has stopped.