Write a Tanka that focuses on the theme of new relationships.
A Tanka is a short form of poetry with 5 lines; 5 syllables in the first line, then 7, then 5, then 7, and 7 in the last (5,7,5,7,7).
Prior to now I’ve always thought, experiencing or going through the dark side of life denotes the universe is against you, inadvertently to me that a time will come in life when I’ll realize that it’s an inevitable phase and a fleeting one at that. according to the apocryphal mystery book life was borne out of darkness, hence whenever a human’s going through the dark phase of life you and I should always remember that life would’ve been absent without darkness, embrace it learn to make the finest out of your darkest moments . For it is one of nature’s absurdities, and the Genesis of Creation.