Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

The Happiest Of Them All

Is it truly possible for someone to always be happy?

Some say it is and some say it isn’t,

I say it’s unlikely,

Because the world is always beating us down and it’s very persistent,

With every happy thing that has ever happened,

There will always be twice as more,

Unhappy moments where you wish you didn’t

Do something that had resulted in war,

Wether fictional, literal, emotional or metaphorical,

War is war,

It is gruelling and unforgiving,

And certainly not happiness provoking.

You can’t stop your mind,

From thinking of sadness and despair,

It’s literally everywhere,

It is in the sky,

It is in the air,

Up high,

And down low.

Everywhere you go,

So how could someone ever be constantly happy,

You may ask?

Well it’s as simple as this,

Imagination is an eternal bliss.

It is an escape of our reality,

If you ask me that question,

My answer will never vary,

Because very few,

Really do have what it takes,

To think of worlds beyond ours,

And always be able to stay in that place,

So in my final hours,

I will die forever happy

Because in all honesty


is the key

To all creation.

And so from now on forth, I will be free.

Because the locks that have bounded me with chains and misery,

Are broken and left with the rest of the debris.

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