Submitted by Freddie

Life Without You

Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.

Soif de vivre : Lust for Life

You are the pot to my rummaging roots,

the spotlight to my stage,

the arch to my relevé.

The spine to my dance,

The pin in my roadmap,

the moon to my starry sky,

the wind in my sail,

the light through my window,

the coffee to my mornings,

the helium in my balloon,

the umbrella to my rain,

The guiding light to my ship.

Without all these things my life would have less meaning,

Fewer things to write home about,

Things to fill the corners of my room.

No aimless wandering through the hedges that life blooms,

Only you to lift me into living

beyond arbitrary lines.

It’s fine with you here, more than fine.

Life would be lifeless without your rays of sunshine guiding gentle wisps down my skin.

With you I’ll always have a friend.

Breathe a little longer, you,

Fill the gaps between my synapses

A warm smile awaits you.

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