
I used to look forward to school,

seeing all my typical friends.

Something I just realized was

all of them brought it to ends.

I don’t have a best friend,

nor a person to talk to.

I’ve been pretending that I do,

like I can’t take a clue.

I can’t be seen as lonely,

but if I keep doing this,

I’ll be stupid and annoying,

like I can’t take the gist.

I made up my mind completely,

high schoolers don’t need friends.

I mean, not one such as me,

to who make the background blend.

I’ll be quiet, barely noticeable.

I’ll keep my grades and attitudes up.

But I won’t rely on fake friends,

even if my day only feels corrupt.

My violin will sing a song

that’s only for the violinist.

I’ll write more and better,

and be the most sincerest.

I don’t need a shoulder,

my story can be told on paper.

I’m not just the screen name,

I’m the real creator.

So bye fake Zain,

you never belonged here anyway.

You were just a reaction the cray.

Bye Zain.


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