Write a poem from the voice of someone who is worrying about something.

Consider the style and layout of your poem to best reflect your character's emotions and thoughts.

I need answers because what the heck

so what exactly do I do

if there are three different guys that like me

one who I’d say I’m friends with, yeah, but he’s my friend’s ex, though she wouldn’t mind

one who I’d say I’m kind of friends with, but not particularly

and one who I haven’t talked to in a while with but I still consider us friends, and he’s also the same friend’s ex

and there’s also one guy I like

except I’ve never talked to him, not ever

what do I do

do I pretend like I don’t see them looking at me when they think I won’t notice but I do

do I forget about them and focus on the one guy I know I don’t have a chance with

or do I consider them, the way they look at me, how it makes me feel so good

do I just crave attention

I know I want a man

I know I want him

but it’s not realistic

something’s better than nothing

but it feels wrong

and I can’t just choose between them

I don’t know what to do

I can’t do nothing

it’s eating me up

why do they even like me

that would make no sense

I don’t even know if they do

I’m obviously wrong

I’m not the kind of girl that guys like

I know that

but the way he looks at me, and him, and him, too


maybe I’m crazy

but I think they do

and sometimes I think the one I like does, too

then I remember that’s crazy

he’s sooooo fine

maybe I’m just crazy

this is driving me crazy

this is unhealthy, I need to stop

how do I stop?

what do I do?

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