The Weak Daughter.

My family also treated me like the misfortune of the family. They thought I was the weakest because I was the only girl in a family of assassins. No matter how hard I train everyone treats me like a little girl that no one expects anything of. Until one day I got kidnapped. My arms were tied behind my back and I started to wake up. I coughed terribly and I felt like a dagger was in my throat. The slight smell of chemicals they used to knock me out was still there. As I looked around it was a dark room with only one light blub hanging from the ceiling and a two chairs, one that I was sitting on and the other that was in front of me. In the corner of my eye I noticed a silhouette of a person in the in front of me leaning against a wall. It was too dark too see who it was. I wonder if it was someone sent by my family. I knew it would only be a matter of time until they sent someone to kill me, they have no use of me afterall since they can’t belive a girl can be strong. As I looked at the person in the shadows my eyes had a look of rage and murderous intent. Good morning Anglea the person in the dark said with a calm and deep voice. Aww don’t look at me like that I’m only here to do my job I need the money~ he stated with a malicious chuckle while walking towards me slowly. My muscles tensed prepared for anything that came my way he kept his eyes locked with mine while walking towards me with a knife. I took a deep breath and slowly glanced around for something to help me in this fight. Your family really~ doesn’t like you do they well it’s too be expected. A weak pretty girl in a family of Assassins~ how unsuitable. He said with a chuckle as he crouched right in front of me. It seems he lowered his guard maybe it’s because he thinks I’m weak that he doesn’t need to worry. I thought to myself as I narrowed my eyes at him. But your cute it would be a shame if I had too kill you without having some fun~ he said as he lifted my chin up to look at him. I glared at him and pushed myself forward slamming my head into his as he fell on his bottom and yelled you little bitch!!! I’m gonna kill you!!! I backed aaay from him and dislocated my shoulders as I moved my tied hands over my head so they were in front of me making it a bit more easier to fight. He charged at me and thrusted the knife towards my neck, but I dodged it and grabbed his hand with the knife as I turned it and stuck it in his heart. He took a step back and coughed out blood. How are you so strong he mumbled those last words before I grabbed the knife with my tied up hands again and pulled it out and he fell on the floor, bleeding out to death. I felt a sudden urge of angry run through me as I cut the rope on my wrist with the knife and took deep

breaths to calm me down, but nothing was working I want to take revange on everyone…. no I need too. I looked at the body on the floor as I walked over to him slowly and kneeled down next to him he was still alive but just barely as he coughed out blood and tried to move away from me. His eyes were filled with fear but I didn’t care as I stabbed him again and again and again until I was satisfied. I got up on my feet and realized what I needed to do next…… I need to kill my family it’s the only way I’ll feel satisfied and be happy again.

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