Write a descriptive paragraph about a predator.
Think about the meanings of the word predator - it could be an animal, a person, a completely fictional being, or something more metaphorical.
The Ex Predator
You wrap your self up tightly, double checking the locks. Don’t be silly they say, your at home, your safe.
Embarrassed you smile back as you pretend to agree, because of course tucked up in bed there’s no where safer you could be? Right?
Knock, knock, knock
You debate opening that door because going back can’t hurt any more than it did before,right?
Predictable and safe your list is down to two expectations,traits that are harder to find than the pot at the end of a rainbow.
Flashes of painful memories pour in your head ,
Checking closets, behind curtains even under your bed, Not a big bad monster come to eat you alive, just a very real figure holding a knife.
Menacing eyes as he grimly holds the blade to your throat, each time you remember you start to choke…
But he’s gone right?
Everything is fine now… right?
Except he’s not, even if he’s not around.
every time I lay my head down I realise I’ll never be free of the predator who haunts me.
It’s not a rare predator I’m talking about, you can’t barricade yourself in, or hire soldiers in forts that will take them down.
The biggest threat is love when it turns to hate. The best feeling ending up as the worst, the one to protect you from everyone but themselves.
The predator lays with you even after it’s gone every. Single. Night. The taunting goes on