Write a poem about pet peeves.
Little things that annoy you – perhaps they are stand-ins for bigger problems, perhaps they are nothing more.
Children Are Annoying
Children are annoying
There I said it
They terrorise
Aware of unconditionality
So have no fear
To ask for comfort
At 4am
To say they hate you
At the mere denial of sugar
Or for the thought crime of feeling bored
After the 17th repetition of that shitty game
But an annoying friend you can ditch
A pain-in-the-arse sibling you pinch
Over coffee you can bitch about a colleague who is self aware as a rock and as self absorbed as a mirror
But your children you endure
And that’s love
Or at least one part of it
A facet powerful enough to deal with constant innovative mess, the roulette wheel of emoticons and the snot stained barrage of ‘why’s’ that even chat gpt would struggle to answer