Compose a poem that involves the use of numbers.

Numbers can be used as countdowns, time-telling devices, checklists, or other creative ways in a poem.

Valentine’s Day



1:00 pm arrives,

The time I’m supposed to meet you

Is 30 minutes away.

It’s February 14th,

Valentine’s Day,

I’m counting down the seconds

Until I get to see

Your face.

15 minutes,

That’s what it takes me to get ready,

5 minutes,

That’s what it takes to buy the roses,

10 minutes

Until I get to see

Your face.

I get in my car

And drive to your house,

Roses on the passenger seat.

I stand at your door,

Waiting for you,

And soon enough the door swings open,

There you are!

My love, my life,

My partner through the strife,

My reason for moving forward,

My sweet Valentine.

2 hearts


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