Write a story about a thief, which encourages the reader to side with, and like, this criminal.
Maybe they are charming and witty, maybe they steal for the right reasons, maybe they share their wealth; make us want to be the thief's friend!
Little Bird’s Little Eyes
I’m not like Robin Hood. I don’t steal from the greedy rich just to give to the helpless poor. I stole from a modest florist with zero remorse. But I stole for my daughter. I stole because she was dying.
“Daddy?” Tessie called from her place on the straw mattress in our shack. Her voice was so weak, so small. It made my heart ache. She was only nine, still a little girl. How I wished I could have provided her with more comfort in her final days, have prevented her illness from becoming this severe in the first place.
“It’s me, little bird.” She smiled, weakly, as I sat down beside her. I felt her forehead, it was still burnt up.
“I-“ her words where interrupted by another coughing fit. I quickly brought her water from the pot beside her, helping her to drink from my hands until her coughs settled.
“Look what I brought you.” I showed her to distract her. I pulled a small bundle of daisies from my tattered coat pocket.
Her little eyes lit up as she slowly brought a hand to hold the flowers. “Daisies! My favorite!” Thought she couldn’t say much her eyes showed all her excitement.
“I know. I saw them and had to bring them for you.” I kissed her forehead. That was only part of the truth. I really stole them because no food I could steal for us was going to help her and this was probably Tessie’s last day. I wanted so badly see joy in her small eyes one last time. Tears pricked my eyes.
“Thank you, Daddy. They’re so pretty.” She looked like she wanted to hug me, but didn’t have the strength. So I leaned down and gave her the best hug I could manage without hurting her.
“Not as pretty as my little girl.” I whispered to her as a tear escaped my eye and landed beside her.
Tessie giggled softly. But the life was leaving her. I could sense it. I think she could too. “Daddy, am I ever going to see you again?”
The tears cascaded at that. “Yes, little bird. This is only your next adventure. I’ll see you again soon. It’s only goodbye for now.”
“What do you think I’ll do on my adventure?” She rasped. Oh, it hurt more than anything to see her like this.
“Whatever you want. You can pick as many daisies as you choose and you’ll dance with fairies all day.” I held back my cries for her. I wouldnt let her see me hurt in when she was already dying.
“That sounds nice.” She whispered ever so softly with her final breath. “Goodbye, daddy. I’ll see you soon.” She rested her head on me as she closed her eyes, like she was only going to sleep.
“Goodbye, Tessie.” Her shallow breathing stopped, as she finally let go. I held my little girls body close as I cried over her short, sweet life. Of the joy I’d never see again in her beautiful, small eyes.
I cried while writing this. I hope you enjoyed, or enjoyed as much as you could while reading this. But thank you for reading anyway.💔❤️