Blue and red lights flash in the distance, but it’s not the police.

How can you use the literary technique of subverting expectations to write a compelling story?

The flashing lights

***NOTE: I am working or rewriting a book that I wrote in highschool***

It was a dark cold wet december evening, my shift at the gas station was almost up. ten more minutes I kept thinking to myself then I could go home. I could finally see my baby girl after a long day at work. that was my favorite part of the day. She would always chill out with my roommate and I when I got home. we sadly started to like all the childrens shows that we swore we would never have our kids watch because they were so cringy. but here we are watching bluey at 8 oclock at night eating one of those natsty microwaveable meals.

7:30 hits “Finally, Im free” I said as I put on my black zip up hoodie and grabbed my back pack. I walked out of the store from the locker rooms in the back and noticed that it was pouring outside. as I steped out of the covered area I sinched my hoddie until it was hugging my face and started the walk back. It was only a short walk no longer than fifteen minutes from my home but toninight it seemed longer. I could hear sirens in the distance rapidly getting closer until they passed. it was an ambulace. then I saw it turned down my street. Then it was the cops.

Anxiety rushed through my body and I started running towards the house. But I couldn’t seem to run fast enough. I finally turned down my street and I saw the ambulance at my house blocking the veiw of the drive way. I never stopped running I just wanted to know if my girl was safe, then I worried about Alex. Was he alright? a million questions and possiblites ran through my head. even when I was on the ground. I had been so worried about evreything that I didn’t notice the police officer that was trying to block my veiw.

“son you can’t go in there right now” He said with worry in his voice.

“My daughter is in there” I mangaged to say as I got back up on my feet.

“a paramedic will bring her out” He said

“Is she alright” I asked as he was walking away

“Son just wait here” He said as he turned to radio someone from in the house.

My head was pounding as it raced.I looked at the clock 7:45 it read. My heart pouding out of my chest I put my hand on my knees as an attempt to catch my breath. 7:46- the clock read still no sign of Paris. the minutes seemed slow 7:47, 7:48, 7:49 never looking up from my phones lock screen. Still nothing. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to wipe the sweat off of my face and onto my pants. 7:50 the clock read.

“Officer whats going on” I shouted trying to be heard over the cummotion then Finally movement but it wasnt someone bringing me my daughter. it was a strecher with someone on it. “Alex” I cried then it was two guys leading walking next to it one with the vitals and the other leading. Then Jayden with Paris. she was holding her face to her chest covering her ears as best as she could. She seemed to be walking slow evreything felt slow. She finally got to me as they were loading up Alex in the back of the ambulance.

“whats going on” I muttered as she face me with her tear filled eyes

“He ODed” she sobbed “the police are going to have us follow them to the hospital”

“was it accidentel” I probed

“it didnt seem that way… he locked himself in the bathroom” she said wipping the tears off her face.

All I remeber next was getting into my car after the ambulace rushed off and waiting. Hospitals freak me out. you know how in movies they show the caracter sitting in normal time as the surrouding is timelapsed. thats bescause that is how it actually feels sitting in the waiting room waiting on any news from the nurses. The rest of the night went like that a blur of anxious waiting. for anything.

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