Personify your favourite song into a character.
How you choose to do this is up to you; it may help to feature some of the language used in the song, or to think about the tone and meaning of it.
Making The Bed
I don’t wanna be who I am
I wanna play electric guitar
Wear black converse drawn all over
Cut my hair short
And talk to someone new
Maybe I’ll pretend
Just for a little while
I’m the type of person,
The one who always talks
Who stands up for myself
Doesn’t care if I’m a b*tch
Cause I just love myself
But step behind the curtain
Lock the door of my room
I heard the whispers
Saw their glances
I’m so scared
And I hate myself
But yet even though I feel this way
And I know I’m totally not sane
I still have to get up each day
But I don’t wanna make the bed.
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