The Fog

I forgot what its like to feel

For even after finding my way through the fog I left so much behind

My emotions shattered like glass on concrete

I once struggled to stay alive

To fight to live another day

But now I have escaped

And not a single day could ever be as bad as my past

It could never be as dark.

I wish I could forget the years I was trapped in the fog

But I can’t

Even after escaping the darkness

The nightmares stay

As I fear the fog will come back

My mind fears darkness so much it wont let me feel even shade.

I just wish I could cry tears of sadness

The fog took so much away from me

But I thank it every day

For without it I would not appreciate laughter

Or a smile finally appearing on my face

I would not be thankful for the feeling of happiness that I finally can feel once again

Thankful that I AM and I WANT to be alive

Something I once never wished to be

So while the fog was once my enemy and my world

I can finally say

I beat one of the deadliest evils and can finally see clearly

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