Final Goodbyes

I tilted my head up just enough so that the sun flashed across my face. The warmth made me feel for just a second that maybe everything would be okay. But as I opened my eyes and saw my family standing there, my heart broke again. I didn’t want to leave them.

Mary already had tears streaming down her face. I dropped my bag and ran over, scooping her up in my arms.

“Everything is going to be fine,” I promised, stroking her hair as I hugged her. “You know it has to be like this. Otherwise I wouldn’t even consider leaving you.”

“But you’re still leaving.” Mary’s sobs paused fora second to speak.

“Yes, the rebels are getting too close.”

Henley’s face flashed through my mind. How he’d stayed under the raider for so long—I didn’t know. I could still see his face after he saved me from one of his own, still see how he gave me that look and told me I was still his sister. Well not anymore. It hurt just to know I was related to such a monster, even if he still seemed like he cared a bit.

It had all been a part of his plan.

“Not going to hug your parents, then?” My dad laughed, even though I could see his eyes well with tears.

I ran over to hug him too, then gave a slightly less enthusiastic hug to my mom.

“I love you guys,” I told them, stepping back slowly to grab my bags. “I’ll write soon.”

As I walked down the driveway, I made myself not look back. I couldn’t.

By the time I was out of sight, I collapsed on the ground and started to cry. How was I going to survive this without them?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Kai standing above me, offering a hand. I took it, frantically wiping my eyes.

“Don’t stop crying on my account,” he joked, still wrapping his arms around me when I broke down again.

“Everything is going to be fine.” He told me, picking up my discarded bags. “Now come on. Everyone is waiting for us at the house.”

I sucked in a deep breath, straightening my posture. Now it was time to be strong. To be the leader everyone expected me to be.

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