Compose a poem about nostalgia.
Try to establish a feeling of nostalgia through any form of poetry you’d like!
For a moment
I ache
For the days I wondered who I would become
the days I wondered what life would hold
the days I wondered where I would go
I ache
For the days filled with hope
the days filled with confidence
the days filled with awe
I ache
For the days I dreamed of the impact I’d have
the days I dreamed of being invincible
the days I dreamed too many dreams
I ache
For the days I cried and didn’t know why
the days I cried but should’ve known better
the days I cried at what felt like forever
I ache
For my old sense of wonder
When life felt filled to the brim
With dreams
With tears
I ache
In this moment
Just for a moment
I ache