Inspired by Ilya B

Your main character has completely misjudged someone, and must swallow their pride to admit they were wrong.

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Jaxon Zephi

We open on H.M.C.S Napoleon. The ship is under attack. the Jupiral Justice sent out Jupiter’s finest flying fleet in order to bring Captain, Captain and his crew back to Amadeus their main city.

Medic: Captain the Jupiral Justice, Jupiter’s finest flying fleet are on our tail!

Captain: Everyone to their stations, Jolene I need those guns loaded like a potato.

Jolene: Got it, want steak on the side?

Captain: You know I do! Now everyone stay calm and listen for my order to fire.

The silence filled the room, sweat dripped down Medics face, Captain furrowed his brow. Then the cockpit door opened and Lanea walked in.

Lanea: What are you guys doing.

Medic: We have a tail. It’s Jupiral Justice, Jupiter’s finest flying fleet.

Captain: Steady soldier.

Lanea: You know as the Canadian ambassador or this conquest of ours, I have some pretty good relations with the Jupiral Justice.

Captain: And they are about to have relations with our twin cannons brrrrat brrrrat!

Jolene: We got lasers here cap, so it’s more of a Pew, Pew!

Lanea: Or I could talk to them and save us from dying! These guys don’t miss. They are the Jupiral Justice, Jupiter’s

Captain: Finest, flying fleet and they are going to fly right into a barrage of agony.

We don’t do peace talking on this ship.

Lanea: Look we all know you are an ass but that doesn’t mean that the rest of us want to die.

Jolene: Wait, you think you can talk us out of Captian stealing blueprints for a thermal nuclear weapon?


Lanea: I mean, we just give them back.

Captain: Can’t give them back. I traded them to Jaxon Zephi at the Amadeus flea market for this super cool chain.

Captain pulls out a gold chain attached is a clear orb with saffron coloured smog within.

Captain: See, this is red smoke from the red spot of Jupiter.

Lanea: Well that’s illegal as well dummy.

Medic: So we are screwed?

Lanea: No, that’s a good illegal, that’s a rare illegal.

Cut to Giant screen in the cockpit of H.M.C.S Napoleon, Admiral Latchkey, the leader of Jupiral Justice, Jupiter’s......

Latchkey: Captain, you and your crew are under arrest for stealing blueprints that did not belong to you.

Captain: Well, admiral, I would love to talk but ahh I also would rather let our ambassador handle this.

Lanea: Thank you. Admiral Latchkey, not everyone here has heard of the greatness of your flying fleet, but I have. I know about your conquest of Pluto, the rescue of the Proteus

Pope from the Thalassa rebels.

Latchkey: An earth dweller who knows her solar news, impressive.

Jolene: (whispers) Damn girl, get em.

Jolene: Very, almost as impressive as your business on Mercury.

Latchkey: Excuse me?

Lanea: Or you mission on Ishtar Terra. How many Jovian senators does it take to exonerate the war crimes of the Venusian massacre?


Latchkey: You’ve made your point, you know things. So what do you plan to do with that information?

Jolene: Let em know!

Lanea: My associates took something from your associates. Those blueprints are gone. Traded to a merchant only I know. I can give you the name if you leave us alone. You choose not to and a message will be sent to the United Solar Commune about your activities. So your choice. You get your blueprints, and we get our lives.

Latchkey: Tell is the name.

Lanea: Felix Upsring. He is a Neptunian diplomat living on the Gaspra asteroid cluster.

Latchkey: Copy that!

The feed cuts out.

Medic: So you really just did that!

Lanea: I always do that!

Captain: Why did you lie? You gave him the wrong name, and the wrong planet.

Lanea: That should give us enough time to find your Jaxon Zephi and get those blueprints. We don’t want them in the hands of a Plutonian thief or the Jupiral Justice, Jupiter’s finest, flying fleet.

End scene.

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