Write a poem about the importance of hands in a relationship.

Think about the different types of relationship you could relate this to.


His hand grasping mine, My hand gripping his, While we walk into the coffee shop, For our very first date. My hands tangled in his hair, His hands clenching my bum, as our lips unite as if old chums. I regret the nights escapades as he holds my hair back and he rubs my back, and he silently chuckles: “ I yold you not to drink that!” His hands hold a glimmering ring And my hands move about, Whilst I Shout “Yes! Yes! Yes!” My hands grip in his, and his hands grasp mine as we say our vows , “Forever be mine?” His hands shaking, as he paces here to there My hands holding a test, One line or two? my hands on my stomach, and his rub my shoulders. His hands up in excitement and mine cradling our new addition a baby girl, To love forever. My hands hold his in a tight loving hug and his hold an acceptance letter Sent from above His hands hold a gun on land far away, While he dreams of coming home someday. Mine hold a baby who barely knows her father Saying mama,mama, but never papa. My hands hold a flag, and his hands are in heaven, waving down to us, Signing that, it will be ok. … 🫀
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