The Diary Of Emerson Moore


There is a lot of cussing in this story. Iā€™m gonna write a part two in first person.

Dear Diary - July Fourth

Iā€™m only doing because my therapist told me to. Heā€™s a bitch.

Dear Diary - July Seventh

He saw my last entry. Said I should try harder. He also said that this would help me control my ā€˜emotions.ā€™ All itā€™s doing is pissing me off.

Dear Diary - July Eighth

I guess I really never introduced myself to you. My name is Emerson Moore. Iā€™m sixteen years old. My sister, Carmen, is ten. We live in South Dakota with our dad. I write music. Or I used to at least. When my mom was alive.

Dear Diary - July Tenth

Iā€™m coming back from my therapist. He says that heā€™s proud of how Iā€™m ā€œopening up.ā€ I donā€™t know what heā€™s proud of. I havenā€™t done anything. I guess I could tell you about my mom.

She died when I was fourteen. I was in the car with her when a semi truck slammed into her side. Iā€™m lucky I survived. It was a miracle, the doctors said. Miracle my ass. More like a curse.

Dear Diary - July Fourteenth

Itā€™s been a while. Miss me yet? Naw. You probably didnā€™t. School sucked today. My friends decided that we are going to go on a trip to the mountains. Lucky me.

Dear Diary - July Sixteenth

I guess I should tell about my friends, huh? Well, my best friend is Olivia. Sheā€™s my age. She doesnā€™t like people a whole lot so we spend a lot of time at her house with her three dogs, Milo, Ollie, and Ella. She is super smart. Like, ā€˜the only reason I passed my freshman yearā€™ smart. I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do without her. Sheā€™s my life line. The only person who could help when my mom died. That and her moms famous casserole. Oh my god, that thing is delicious. I would tell you to try it, but your a book. You canā€™t. She has brother too. His name is James. Heā€™s really cute.

Heidiā€™s another person you should know. Sheā€™s an aspiring actor and is the most dramatic person I know. Literally. Sheā€™s in the year below us, so we donā€™t see her a lot during the day. She sucks at driving. Iā€™m terrified to get in the car with her. Iā€™m terrified of getting in the car with anyone.

Dear Diary - July Twentieth

Weā€™re leaving for our trip today. Olivia just texted us to let us know sheā€™s gonna be late. Thatā€™s normal. Sheā€™s never on time. Trying to fit everyoneā€™s bags into the RV was a nightmare. Our friend, Zephyr was the easiest. Sheā€™s only taking one suitcase. Austin Nulls has at least five. He says it in case of changes in weather. Yeah right. We all know he brought at least a dozen hair products and cameras.

Heā€™s on the yearbook team at school and heā€™s really good at it. Heā€™s Jamesā€™ friend. Their both getting full rides to college next year. Lucky them. Iā€™m probably not even going to college. Oh. Olivia just got here. Weā€™re about to leave. I guess Iā€™ll write more later. God. Itā€™s surprising how much I rely on this now.

Dear Diary - July Twenty First

Itā€™s been about ten hours since we left. We have about nine left. The RV is kinda small so weā€™ve all been cramped in here. Everyoneā€™s going crazy. I donā€™t think any of them realized how long the drive would be. I did. Thatā€™s why I brought this book. Well, I had to, but thatā€™s besides the point. Everyone is arguing now. They lost the map and none of us have cell service. Zephyr is stressed out and Austin keeps trying to difuse the tension.

Itā€™s not working.

[Have a great day! šŸ’™]

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