If A Man

If a man were to cradle me,

His embrace, a fleeting gust,

Like leaves rustling in the night, his touch,

Would surely turn to dust.

If a man were to run his hands,

Through my hair till break of day

The night would blur, the sunrise would,

Be dull and dimmed by gray.

If a man were to ignite me,

With hands aflame, passion's blaze,

The fire would only scorch my heart,

Leaving naught but charred remains.

If a man were to shower me,

With affection, like relentless rain,

I could only pray for a drought, yearning,

For the rain to evaporate.

If a man were to pour his love,

A river overflowing,

I could only hope that wherever you are,

Is where the river’s going.

Of all the rivers wild and free,

Of all the fires that burn,

There’s no one else but you, my love,

Whom I could ever love and return

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