Stardust from the Fern

Pawstep by pawstep, Stardust made her way down the quiet forest path. Mice scurried every with way around her paws.

"Stardust!" Jupiter shouted. "Stardu-uh..." she paused and took a big gulp of air. "W...wait up!"

"Oh, Jupiter, it's you." Stardust sighed. "Can't my father just allow me to be alone for two seconds?"

"I'm afraid not, Master. Especially after your river accident." Jupiter reminded her.

Stardust stared at her with blank eyes. "Didn't need to remind me, Jupiter." she turned back and continued walking.

Jupiter gulped in more air and joined in beside her.

Stardust hung her head and twisted her ears back to cut our Jupiter's constant meowing.

Eventually, the duo came upon a fork in the road.

"Welp, I guess it's time we head back to camp. Your father might have my head if we don't." Jupiter turned around.

Stardust stayed rooted in place. "I'm not leaving." she growled.

"Oh, Stardust, come on! Why do you always have to be so stubborn?" Jupiter stopped and turned around again, but she was gone. "Stardust?"

Stardust sprinted through the bushes and thorns. She laughed happily and burst through another. Suddenly, something hard crashed into her, sending her backwards.

"Hey! Watch where you're going next time!" Stardust shook dry leaves from her pelt.

The figure she had crashed into came into the light. "Are you okay? I am so sorry. I thought that-"

Stardust cleared her throat. "I understand. It's hard attention when you're trying to get free from something...or someone."

"How did you know?" He wondered.

"Because I'm doing the same thing." Stardust whispered.

"What's your name?" The cat asked.

"Stardust." Stardust replied. "And yours? You must be a subject of m- I mean our kingdom, right?"

The cat widended his eyes and looked around. "It's a really pretty day isn't it?"

Stardust sat down and flicked her tail. "I dont like when cats avoid my questions."

"S-sorry." He turned around. "I...have to go." He raced away through the bushes.

Stardust got up. "Wait! You didn't..." she trailed off. He was too far away to hear her now.


"Why'd she have to be the Galaxy Princess, ugh!" Fern whispered furiously to himself as he walked into the Earth Kingdom.

"Why'd who have to be what?" an old cat asked.

Fern froze and turned to him. "Oh, hi Branch, I was know..."

"I don't know, kid, speak up and stop mumbling." Branch grumbled.

Fern suddenly felt a tail over his back. He closed his eyes and groaned before opening them again. "Do you mind, Berry?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there Branch." Berry giggled. "Why don't you hang out with me instead Fern? I am going to be your mate soon afterall."

"You've made that abundantly clear, Berry." Fern sighed.

"Go with her, boy. I'll stay right here, I promise." Branch pushed Fern away.

Fern left with a glance back at Branch, who nodded. Fern took a deep breath and followed Berry.

"So...I assume this whole becoming mates with me business is really something you care about?" Fer asked reluctantly.

"Oh yes yes yes, Fern it is! The moment we met proved love is real." Berry purred.

Fern moved her off to the side of the busy path. He hid her behind a box.

"What this all about?" Berry whined a little.

"I need you to speak nothing of this, ever Berry." Fern lifted one of the very best on the thorn bush, revealing an exit. He slipped under and out the other side.

Berry gasped and tried to follow.

"I need you to stay on that side and keep watch for me. Can you do that?" Fern's muffled voice asked.

"Of course." Berry puffed out her chest.

"Good. I'll be right back." Fern walked away and sighed with relief. "Finally got away." He picked his way through more bushes to disrupt his scent and made it back to the kingdom's entrance.

"Branch!" Fern whispered. "Branch!"

Branch snapped awake from a nap and looked toward where Fern was. Fern signaled with his tail.

"Kids. Always disrespecting their elders. What is it?" Branch asked when he reached Fern.

"Please, not so loud. Follow me, I have to tell you something."

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