Convey your character’s personality by describing how they style their uniform.

Whether it is a school or work uniform, show how your character makes it their own.

How some teenagers think.

The annoying sound of my alarm is heard. I wake up, still half asleep. I shouldn't have slept that late, but I can't help myself. I stretch a little and look at the time. 6am. It's way too early but I can't be late for school. I need to be perfect. Or at least perfect in the eyes of the other students. Sitting in front of my vanity, I look at myself in the mirror. Why do I look like this? Why can't I be like the pretty girl at school? Perfect skin, perfect body, perfect everything. I get dressed in the uniform. Putting on the gray skirt along with the white blouse, my thoughts go to multiple places, thinking too many things at once. Why are the girls so pretty in this uniform? Why don't I look like them? We have the same uniform and I make sure to put on the same cute makeup they wear, desperate to at least try to look like them. Am I obsessed with beauty? Probably. Am I afraid of judgement? Definitely. While curling my lashes and applying mascara, I realize that I never even liked mascara. I didn't like wearing it before seeing that every teenager wears some. Now I can't feel pretty without it. Same thing goes for gloss: I always hated lip balm, I couldn't even think about putting gloss or lip stick on my lips. But now? Having glossy lips is a must before leaving the house, because once again, I can't feel pretty without it. I check the time; 7:30 a.m. It took one hour and thirty minutes to put on the same outfit we're forced to wear at school, and same makeup as usual to fit in with other girls. I don't have time to make my lunch today, or I'll miss the bus. I focus too much on my appearance, don't I? It's okay if I skip one meal, right? It won't do anything. Besides, it's the least I could do to achieve such a perfect body as the other teenagers. I'll just put a quick snack in my backpack and leave the house, I'll be alright. I out on my shoes and my jacket. My mom forced me to wear it, saying it's really cold outside. When I finally get in the bus after waiting in the cold snow, I melt in my seat. The heater of the bus soothes me. Now only a few minutes before we arrive at school. Another boring day, worrying about how I look and constantly comparing myself to others.

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