Father shrek

His eyes...

Oh, his golden, glimmering, eyes!

Never before

In a thousand years

Had I thought that his eyes

His heart

His head

Wouod comfort me so.

Daddy shrek, I call him.

Daddy shrek, and nothing else.

In his swamp I get

Outta his swamp you go

And yet still

In the glimmer of moonlight

While his but cheeks reflect the water

And his ogre ears reflect my gaze

I stare.

And he stares.

And together, we smile.

Because my shrek is his shrek

And his shrek is my shrek.

And in this light of the moon,

In this dirt of the swamp,

We become neither the shrek of mine

Or the shrek of his:

In this swamp,

We become the shrek of ours.

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