Write a poem that begins with a focus on loss, and concludes with a focus on love.
Think about the sturctures and flows that you can use to change the focus from beginning to end.
The Switch
_Nothing will ever be the same. _
Parked on the side of the high way
Pain pouring from out in streams
Sorrows drowned in bad decisions
Memories buried beneath months of mistakes
_Everything is different now_
Isolation, a desperate need to hide
How does anyone ever survive this?
This was meant to be forever
Now, there is only a vague remembering__
_This is for the best _
Healing happens slowly, then all at once
Nothing has ever cut so deep before
Resurfacing from a pit of darkness
The first sunrise after the return is nearly blinding.
_This is for the best_
Time moves quickly after that
Life changes with the swiftness of a speeding bullet
Suddenly, there are dishes and laundry
School drop offs bedtime stories.
_Everything is different now_
Even dreams have changed
No longer stuck in the desires of youth.
Where once there were dreams of travel and chaos,
Now there are fantasies of stability and peace.
_Nothing will ever be the same. _
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