A Shadowed Conversation

"Do you trust me?" she asked, eyes dark with doubt.

"I want to," he replied, "but shadows linger about."

"Why question my love, when my heart's in your hands?"

"I see whispers and glances, like shifting sands."

"Whispers are nothing, just the wind in the trees."

"But the wind stirs the leaves, and it stirs my unease."

"Can you not see past the shadows to the light?"

"Your light's dimmed by the darkness that haunts the night."

"My love is steadfast, don't let doubt cast a pall."

"Then why do I feel like I'm walking on a wall?"

"Trust isn't easy, it's a bridge to build strong."

"But each step I take feels like something is wrong."

"Look in my eyes, see the truth in their glow."

"I see love, but also secrets you don't show."

"Secrets are whispers from a past long gone."

"Yet those whispers persist, like a ghost at dawn."

"Can you not banish the phantoms with faith?"

"Faith is fragile, when it's met with a wraith."

"So what do we do, where do we stand?"

"Between truth and deceit, it's a shifting sand."

"Then let's walk together, dispel this mist."

"With each step, with each truth, let our love persist."

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