
One of the many side effects of time travel had been the risk of constant traveling;a peripatetic nature that I could say was forced onto me.You were never sure when you would end up and how long you would stay. So I never really did enjoy the moments,in fear of becoming to attached and longing to be able to go back to them.

However there’s a time when one must face their fear and for me it was now. Usually I would feel the slight calming breeze of nature or I would smell the putrid air of villages who were yet to discover sewage systems. My personal favourite was the rare occasion I would feel the comfort of a snug duvet that enveloped me. But I didn’t experience any of these things for I simply just couldn’t.I was a measly observer this time to what looked like a void.

To say it was dark was an understatement for it was pitch black.I could only imagine an accurate description could come from a child who was terrified by the dark. I couldn’t say there was nothing because though I couldn’t feel at all , somehow this was the most liberating feeling I had felt in my entire life span. Freedom like this could only be felt by a man who had become blithe in a world full of restrictions and rules . Had I died?

A bright gold light pierced the darkness travelling at…well the speed of light. Travelling in a direction unknown with no way of indicating north or south.It was a beam made up of many shades of thin gold beams determined to reach a destination they must have yearned their whole lives for.It was truly a sight only gods could witness.

Not long after,a large spiral structure began to move around this beam. It was accompanied by halo like sounds ,the pitch varying in waves and becoming more stronger as each wave passes. It must have been loud as I could see the audio waves emit from the structure in a pattern similar to a weak acid trip.Though I would’ve loved to feel these objects I think it was safer to observe,which was just as fulfilling.

Suddenly large explosions of colourful aura and debris took place miraculously and traveled along the spiral form. With each explosion the stream became thicker and thicker with debris transforming into meteoroids and meteoroids transforming into asteroids.Aura began to weave in between these forms as if it was trying to to build them all together.But into what ?

And in that moment I knew when I was. I was at the beginning of time. The Big Bang.

An explosion of universal scale had taken place emitting the purest forms of colours and lights on one end of the beam.Visual sound waves pulsed through the darkness as the event began to grow in size creating what seemed to be a planet.It was wrapped in aura but it wasn’t strong enough to hide the enchanting site of asteroids molding together to create what would be known to me as earth.

Colours of shamrock green and azure blue aura began to overlay the growing sphere like a uv map.Debris collided into the structure creating textured surfaces of mountains and land to concave terrain where water is yet to fill. It was truly an ethereal site,something I wish even my worst enemy could’ve seen .

I couldn’t say how long this process took as I couldn’t exactly make our just how fast these structures were traveling. To be honest I couldn’t even tell you how they formed they kind of just seems to appear spontaneously. But why did it matter how long it took? It was amazing enough seeing the process in the moment.

Before I knew it a final layer of aura came to rest on the gigantic ball.It filled the thirsty hollow lands with the ocean and formed countless soft clouds in the sky.This was the earth in its purest of forms; untouched by greedy human hands and free from wildlife.

I tried my hardest to move towards the fresh planet but to no avail I was unsuccessful. Despite this failed attempt I didn’t feel frustrated or despair , I felt nothing .This was when I had come face to face with my greatest fear . I wanted to remain here liberated from feeling and change. But as if a force of evil had heard my wishes I was instantly forced to another time period.

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