Choose one colour and make it a central theme of your story. Use it symbolically, literally, or creatively throughout the narrative.


Everything was red.

Well, technically not EVERYTHING that would be ridiculous…

… but everything that mattered was red.

It was always my favorite color. I never knew why I was drawn to it, but it always made me happy.

It was the color of my mother’s favorite lipstick.

It was the color of my most comforting teddy.

It was the color of my prettiest dress.

It got to the point where I wanted everything of mine to be red. My clothes, my school supplies, and I even insisted on adding red dye to everything I ate.

I NEEDED everything red, it just made me comfortable.

So I made sure everything was red. My mother, my father, my dogs and my cat. Then they helped me paint the entire house red too.

Some scary men came up to me wearing blue, ruining the pretty scene. The took me from the place I worked so hard on.

So I had to fix it. I made the scary men red too. They also helped me paint the car they were trying to force me in.

In was so happy!

Everything was red.

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