Write a scene where something embarrassing happens.
A Duck-tastrophy
That day, they decided to go to Dufferin Islands; A small area with little ponds, and islands, and many many ducks. It was a cool fall day, and all of the ducks had gathered in one area, in a small pond just off to the side of a little island. It was a small little island, only about 30. feet wide. They crossed the bridge and pulled out the bread. Jenny went to the edge of the island while her little sister Maria, her big suster Anna, and her friend stayed close to the bridge.
Jenny loved to feed the ducks, and was very serious about making sure every duck got a bite. Jenny leaned over the edge, reaching as far as she could to feed the last duck. Standing on her tip toes and holding on to a nearby tree to accomplish her goal. Unfortunately he was just out of reach for little jenny. She leaned in a little too far and “SPLASH!”. Before she knew what happened she was in the water.
Her little sister, maria, had moved a little closer. She stood there, In disbelief, unable move. Jenny came up from the water, disoriented. She grabbed on to the edge of the island. Jenny wiggled her feet, trying to hold on to the edge , the water too deep for her to touch the bottom. The edge of the little island was covered in wire, forcing Jenny to keep a small distance between her and the grass. The edge of the island was only a few inches thick before it folded in underneath itself. Jenny struggled to hold onto the edge, without letting her feet go infront of her and under the island, and without scraping her arms on the wire. Barely able to keep herself above the water, pulling herself out was not an option.
She looked at her sister in relief. “Maria, go get Ana” whispered Jenny breathlessly. “Maria please i cant get out! What is wrong with you?” Standing there, frozen, maria didnt say a word and continued to stare blankly at jenny. Jenny’s eyes grew wide, realizing that maria wasnt going to be able to get help and that she had to do it herself.
Their older sister, Anna, was just out of sight, standing behind some trees. Distracted by her friends, she was completely oblivious to what had happened. Jenny could barely see Anna as the trees were blocking her face. Jenny, tried speaking again, now tired and cold. She was only able to let out a whisper. She stopped moving her legs long enough to catch a breathe and yell. She mannaged to say “Anna!” at a volume her sister could hear. “Just a minute!” Yelled anna withought looking in her sisters direction. “You have got to be kidding me” Jenny thought to herself. She took a deep breathe and prepared to try again. Jenny kicked a few more times to stay afloat and stoped once more to yell again. “Anna please” she said with desperation. Getting tired, she knew she couldnt say another word. Anna cocked her head in her sisters direction. When her eyes landed on Jenny she let out a gasp before her and her friend sprinted over.
Carefully, they lifted her up and out of the pond. They gave her a jacket and Anna rubbed her hands up and down jennys arms at an attempt to warm her up and stop her from shaking. Her pants were torn and her knees visible, only a couple of scrapes. Jenny wasnt really hurt but she was a little shaken up. Anna hugged her and ask her how she ended up in the pond. Jenny began to explain what had happened. Everyone, except for maria, tried their best to hide their laughter. Maria couldnt hold hers in and didnt see the point in doing so. Jenny didnt seem to think it funny. Anna asked maria why she didnt come get her for help. Maria, not completely understanding this herself, tried to explain.”it was like someone had pushed the pause button on me or something” she said, “i couldnt move and i coulnt speak, but i couldnt look away either”. “I wanted to come get you but i couldnt! I promise im telling the truth!”. She said sincerely, begging to be beleived. Not compeltely understanding it.
They warmed Jenny up a little bit more and headed back home on their bikes ; Stopping for hot chocolate on the way. Once they started riding, Jenny wasnt so cold anymore and her teeth stopped chattering.
The whole situation played in her head many times on the ride home. One question continued to bother her, and it was one she would never know the answer to:
Did the duck manage to get the peice of bread?
- based on a true story
Written by the girl who fell in. :)