Purple Eyed Girl

[Ark 328, Edra Prime. 2 Years into the void]

(Erisa’s point of view)

“Wake up! yah lazy bums” Captain Forests loud voice echoed through the bunk level.

Grumbling Erisa rolled over, tossing the light blue cotton blanket onto the bunk below. Her straight black hair flooding her face and sticking to her full lips. With a grunt she pushed the hair out her face and flung her pillow with vigor into the bottom bunk.

“What the fuck!” Garek groaned, the pillow smacked his face awake. Wide eyed he glared at her as she hopped down.

An ear to ear grin on her face, her pale grey eyes flashing a playful expression. Of course Garek wasn’t nearly ready for touch down day.

“So where you two gonna sleep all day?” Captain Forest asked as Erisa strode into the small makeshift kitchen. Of course he was pouring a cup of coffee, probably his third this hour. “The suns have been up” He chuckled and she groaned.

“The suns are always up.” She glanced in the direction of the chow hall and the large glass window. Showing the two bright red fireballs in space, followed by the large blue one behind them. “It’s still trippy looking at them”.

“So! ready to touchdown!” Garek yawned, rubbing his right arm as he shuffled into the room. Which wasn’t much bigger then a full size bathroom on earth.

“Definitely. I can’t wait to see what we find” Erisa faked a bubbly attitude and rolled her eyes. “We have been watching this planet and getting samples for three earth months.”

“Yeah but still. X678 has seen large animal prints and what he thought were human prints a few times. “ Captain grumbled taking a long swig of coffee. “Can’t be to careful “

“We’ll I’ll bring the android with us and a few weapons from the armory “ Garek took a bite of the toast he’d started to butter as the Captain gave them both a nod heading for the flight deck.

“I have a bad feeling about today” Garek mumbled through a mouth full of toast.

The fall to the ground in pods seemingly took forever. Captain had shot each of their pods within a few miles of each other. He was playing lookout with the android, with the only stipulation being the security of the body cams if the mission went left. Either way they would all be on coms.

“Checking! Checking! Ark to visitors one and two” Captains voice cracked over the intercom ear piece.

“Visitor one checking in” Garek called out.

“Two checking in” Erisa mumbled, stepping out of the sleek metal and glass pod.

Out in the planets air, humans couldn’t breathe. So they were rigged with a suit that covered their face with an air apparatus with eight hours on the clock.

Looking around she could only see the large hanging leaves of small jungle vegetation. A few fallen trees and rocks. Even a stream flowed close by, nearly six yards to the east.

“Let’s get some good shots. Then we can celebrate tonight “ Captain voice cracked into her ear, as she stumbled through some vines.

Nearly four hours in and it felt like she’d been moving in circles. Twice she’d found the pod again. Now she was headed the opposite way, towards the beaches, the Captain had instructed. The forest was covered in large trees, wrapped with thick purple vines. The ground was green like earth had been, yet it seemed to cast an aura off of it.

A growling sound made her stop dead. Something was behind her. Her heart stopped but she turned slightly, reaching for her duel bladed energy sword.

Not but a hundred feet away stood a fairly small alien creature. It had six muscular legs, a large beaked face, feathers of blues and reds across its back and a tail tipped with a crystal looking bladed weapon.

“I’ve encountered a beast. Please assist!” Was all she could get out before the beast charged her.

Slamming into her she quickly rolled just short of its tail digging into the ground. Yet in the roll she’d dropped her blade. Looking around as the creature pulled it’s tail skyward. A faint clicking noise from her right stopped the beasts movement and it gave off a groan before laying on its belly.

“We are on our way!” The captain’s voice sprang through the intercom.

Out of the vegetation stepped a barefoot girl of teenage height. Wrapped in a thin silk looking top that covered only her mid section and bottoms that wrapped around her hips. She was human, with white hair like a beautifully aged ancient medicine woman. Yet as their eyes met hers glowed a purple color.

Neither of them moved as the girls skin started to glow a purple color in elegant patterns across her whole body.

“Your beautiful “ She mumbled without thinking and the girl cocked her head to the side. Looking at her wondering who she was and why her eyes didn’t glow.

Erisa heard the ship in the distance heading their way and tried to motion for the girl to flee. Yet she just stood staining at her.

“You have to run please. Go back to your people. It’s not safe.” She spoke out as the ship opened up and deposited the two men a little ways away. She could see them coming, but they couldn’t see the girl or the beast. “Please go”

Of course the men stood a ways away, silent on the come scanning the trees as the X678 androids footsteps hit her ears. She leaped at it, slamming into its fake skin feeling outer shell. Quickly it perryed and she fell flat in the dirt as it looked at the girl.

“What a spectacular find Erisa.” Its voice was nearly human.

“We didn’t find anything “ She begged, rolling to grab the hilt of her energy blade.

“She looks so human. I was sure I’d seen human like prints but this is wild. How did humanity reach this far previously.”

“Please don’t X678” Erisa pleaded, eyes starting to water as she seen the extinction of their planet unfold before their eyes. An armada of class A starships leaping into battle XO battle troops landing on the white sands, laser rifles at the ready.

The android human male gave a questioned glance her way. Blue eyes looking back at her, then looking at the young woman between then.

“Master Erisa the UHA must get word of this” His tone was flat, yet it still seemed worried. “Your ship mates must know we found life out here”

“Do you not see what humanity does?” Erisa started to sob. “They will enslave these people like they have done to our own people. Bleed this planet dry of resources like we have in the past”

“All in the name of keeping humanity alive?” X678 seemed curious about why she was arguing for these beings.

“If we can’t trust those on our crew. Who can we trust?” Captain Forests voice sent a chill through Erisa as the large tank of a man stepped into the clearing. His lazer pistol in hand, looking disappointedly at Erisa.

“These people are innocent!” Erisa shouted through tear filled eyes, slowly reaching for her duel bladed energy blade.

“It was our mission to find this planet and see if humanity could set up a home here. It’s a success. These aliens are primitive, they will surely be allowed to live peacefully with us” Captain Forest holstered his sidearm and looked at X678. “Send a coms message to the ferry, Garek can scoop us up to send a transmission from the ark”

“Please don’t do this” Erisa held the duel bladed hilt behind her as she sprung to the teenage looking alien girl. Propping her hand under its chin and letting her look at the Captain with fearful purple eyes. “I will not take part in enslaving another intelligent race”

With a sizzle of the air the energy blades shot from each surface of the hilt. Erisa holding it with a single hand, while pushing the girl behind her.

“So you turn your back on your people?” The Captain growled pulling out an energy blade and glaring at her. “Guess your minds made up”

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