"I guess I just don't love you anymore."
Write a story continuing on from the dialogue
Lyrics for the lost
“I guess I just don’t love you anymore.”
These are the first 8 words that filled the top of the page as i began to write my wife a song.
Over the past 5 ½ years we had fallen apart and honestly things were going more and more downhill every day.
It seems no matter what i tried to make it work, there was always something pulling us more and more apart from each other.
Gifts, such as flowers, candies, and things of that nature, all were met with anger about me spending our money on useless things. Dates were met with the same financial angers, but also anger at the fact I was taking time from her day. If she couldn’t use her hours to work or sleep, then there was always an issue she had with it.
She didn’t wanna go out, or stay in to a movie or game, or even do anything but work... and sleep.
My last attempt was counseling. It took one session for her to see she didn’t like what the counselor had to say, and after that she never went back.
So now, here I sit, guitar in hand and pen to page, writing this song to her. Where was she you ask? She’s gone, living alone somewhere, with our son, and maybe a secret boyfriend, who knows... but at this point there is just no recovering what we had in the beginning. So, back to that song...
The one I’ve been writing while telling you all this.
I guess you prolly wanna see what I’ve got so far... so here it is
“I guess I just don’t love you anymore”
The years they passed
They each grew colder still
The love that was
is all but gone and killed
And as i sit alone with my guitar
These words i write as you walked out the door
We had it all, everything was good
But something went wrong, i somehow knew it would
It seems the things i want the most and try the hardest for
Never work so now i gotta say
I guess i just don’t love you anymore
See youtube video for actual full song!
Link below...