The afterlife isn't quite what you imagined it would be...

Entering The Grip Of Darkness

As night advances upon the horizon, darkness reaches into the sun’s last rays like death’s long, bony fingers about to snuff the life out of what’s left of the long summer’s day. All of earth’s colorful beauty will soon be hidden in the grays of the night. The darkening shadows stir me to rise with a purpose not yet known to me. I have to go, and in that direction. Gliding effortlessly along the shrubbery that lines the sidewalk, I feel a distant lure towards the tall trees that cluster inside the crumbling stone wall. I must go there.

Moving closer, I recognize my kind – their energy, as I don’t yet see them. I feel their presence become stronger as I come nearer to where they congregate in the darkening of the day’s end. I enter through the gate and search for someone familiar to me… anyone. Many are elderly and middle age, few are young adults and teens, and fewer still are small children. Some take notice of me as I approach, turning to face me for a moment. A rather aged man slowly lifts and extends his long arm to point to his right side. I turn to look and find myself moving in that direction as I’ve willed it… or he’s willed it for me. I realize I’m floating.

Following along the stone wall to the north corner, I turn to look back at the aged man. I shudder in surprise to find he’s now next to me. He looks down. I follow his gaze to a freshly dug hole and, without speaking — as if by mental insertion, he lets me know this is where I will rest forever when the living bring my body here. Sadness overcomes me with a pulsing vibration throughout my essence. I feel hollow, empty. This isn’t “life” on the other side, but rather a void of all life, of all that’s beautiful.

This can’t be how it ends.

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