Decisions, decisions

Decisions, decisions,

Should I go ahead or not?

Stay in my comfort zone

Or take the chance life has brought?

We never really know the outcome

Should I do or shouldn’t I?

Deciding is a shot in the dark

One that can make us really cry.

The biggest fear of a decision

Is not knowing what follows

It can be a fantastic stroke of luck

Or it can drown us in sorrows.

Should I leave my job?

But what if things go wrong?

Shall I leave this relationship?

What if I’ll never be strong?

No way of knowing the future

Things will be what they have to be

Fear protects but also paralises

It doesn’t really let us be free.

And isn’t doubt much worse?

Let’s face the facts here.

We may be afraid of the unknown

But do we really want to live in fear?

One day we may look back and think

“Well, at least I tried my best.”

Because even when we choose wrong

It’s still a burden off our chest.

And who knows, if we succeed

We’ll be saying with a smile

“I’m so glad I went for it

Even if I hesitated for a while.”

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