Submitted by XOXO, Zain


Use this single word as an inspiration for a story or poem.


_ __Your lies drew me in. _ Your lies covered up your sins. Your lies hid your many addictions. _Your charm hid all your harm. _

You appeared so innocent & sweet, to everyone you first meet. _They’re still so naive, they __just don’t know you yet. Give them ___ Time & they’ll see ,the monster that I see. __ Behind closed doors you were; So Much More-Anger & Rage. _So Much More-Gaslighting & Mind Games. _ So Much More-Abuse-of every kind. Yet, Lies-eventually exposed your cheating in our marriage.

Lies -also exposed an even sicker side of you, than I already Knew . That’s why I despise dishonesty, even white lies, And anything that is deceptive.

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