Write a story with a character who directly addresses the reader.
This is a type of fourth-wall-breaking which can bring about more impact to the message you are conveying.
I’m Sorry
Do me a favor: Don’t read this. I mean it. Please don’t.
If you’re still reading this, I’m sorry. When I wrote this, I told myself I was going to hide it where nobody could find it. I told myself that I was going to fold it as small as I could, bury it in the pages of a boring book, and put it in a brick wall, “Casque of Amantillado” style. And I probably did that. So if you’re reading this, congrats, I guess. You’re either a construction worker who had the misfortune of demolishing the wall, or a very bored and inquisitive person who found a loose break. In either case, I’m sorry.
See, not too long ago, I found a note like this, just like you. That person didn’t hide it nearly as well as I probably will, pity for me. But I found it, nonetheless, and I read it. The person who wrote that note also didn’t bother to ask me not to read that note, like I did for you. Not that it matters if you’ve made it this far into the note, I guess. Anyway, after I read that note, I began to see…something out of the corner of my eyes and I had a horrible time sleeping. Over time, it wasn’t just in my periphery, but I saw it in crowds. On the street, in the bar, even in a passing car. I still couldn’t make it out, it was a blur, or a shadow, but it was humanoid and so tall. I thought I was losing my mind. And I just. Couldn’t. Sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw this thing.
I tried my best to ignore it, but tonight I finally saw it. I would try to describe it to you, but I honestly don’t know the words. It’s otherworldly, inhuman. And it wants to keep going. It feeds on fear, I think. So, on the bright side, you don’t have to worry about me not describing it. Because now that you know about it, it knows about you. And you’ll see it soon.
I warned you not to read it…
I’m sorry.
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